on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Availability

Janet Matthews

I started visiting woodlands with my camera at a time when I needed a place to reflect on life. This was at the time when the leaves had already fallen, making visible the underlying structures created by the branches and vines. more


Niall Benvie’s Retrospective

Style is something endemic rather than acquired or cultivated. It emerges once you’ve worked through all the external influences that inform your work as you’re making your way. more

Rachael Talibart - Sedna

Tides and Tempests

I don’t think Tides and Tempests would be happening this year if it weren’t for lockdown and a broken shoulder, both of which kept me at home and gave me time to concentrate on the book. more

Smoke and Mirrors 5, 2010

Solo Exhibition

Ellie has been working in UK forests for the past ten years, making work which explores the complex interrelationship between the landscape and the individual. more

Allegheny Forest - Oil drilling artefact, 2019

The Hydrocarbon Forest

In the case of the Allegheny, private access to mineral rights covers 93 percent of the forest area. The impact has been profound. Maps from the 1930s show a dense grid of oil wells stretching for many miles. more

Matt Lethbridge - Dry Plate Landscapes 05

Back to the Future

The more I looked into dry plate, the more appealing it became. Load under safelight, no need for complete darkness, last like film so you can leave them for weeks in the darkslides before use, develop by inspection under safelight....what's not to like? more


End frame: Black Lightning by Peter Jarver

I’d never seen storm images like that before, and I wanted to learn how. It took years of time, many disappointments, a few cameras, and a lot of getting wet, to develop an approach that works most of the time. more


History of Art and Landscape – Part One

One of the key aspects of landscape photography has got to be composition. Given our subject matter rarely has a strong internal narrative and the subject rarely has intrinsic emotional value, our arrangement of content within the frame and its emphasis, lighting, etc. are the main thing we have to work with. more

1_Iceland Judith Kelly

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Charles Nyst, Graeme Fielden, John Richardson & Judith Kelly. more

Charles Nyst - Tulips from Holland 2

Tulips from Holland

Flowerbulbs (tulips, narcissus, etc) have been grown in Holland since 1590. Demand for these living colours increased so much around 1634 that bulbs were sold and resold while still in the ground. more

Graeme Fielden - Birch Hill Wood

Landscapes of Rochdale

Obviously due to the coronavirus lockdown, these trips are not possible so I am limited to a 1 hour roundtrip walk from my home. more

John Richardson03

The Curve

The theme of this set of images is the curve. They all have a curved line leading the eye through the scene. All of these locations are in Assynt & Coigach and are areas I have revisited many times over recent years. more

2_Iceland Judith Kelly

A Sense of Loss

This 4x4 portfolio was triggered by a recent On Landscape podcast discussion in which David Ward stated that Iceland was his choice for ‘currently-free from tourists’ location images and that he and Joe made their first visits there in 1999. more


Portrait of a Photographer – Cecil Whitt

Cecil and his work exemplify the mysteries of the desert Southwest and conjure up a wide variety of emotions and ideas including solitude, surprise, serenity, rugged individualism, grit, determination, exploration, and optimism. more

John Brockliss - New Brighton


Whether I am photographing at sea or onshore I am always looking for compositions which are defined by unique and often elusive combinations of light, tide, atmosphere and transient weather conditions. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.