The Low Drone
In this article, I would like to zoom in on another, in my opinion much less widespread, application of the drone for landscape photography. This does not involve flying high - on the contrary. In this technique, the drone is used to create intimate landscapes more

Szabó Zsolt András
My favourite locations are remote and not easily accessed; for me, it was always crucial to not have any human traces in the landscape I photograph. For me the essence of landscape photography is to discover, to take on challenges, to be part of adventures. more

Colour as Form
Kodachrome, introduced in 1935, was the first colour film to be mass-marketed successfully. Although Kodachrome quickly became popular with hobbyists and commercial photographers, so-called “fine-art photographers” have initially shunned the use of colour, and many have expressed derisive views of colour photography. more

Moving Day
But what about the photography? Has that been as satisfyingly enjoyable as the lifestyle? In a word? No. Mist is a thing of the past. more

Dune Fatigue
It's not to say many if not most of the images aren’t beautiful, they certainly are. But, it’s the worn out subject matter that has me tired and questioning. Why are so many photographers limiting themselves to such popular subject matter and places? more

History of Art and Landscape – Part Three
In this installment of my history of landscape painting, I'm taking a look at one of the most artistically creative periods for landscape in early European history and that is the Dutch Golden Age. more

Julien Fumard
Before travelling I had all sorts of preconceived ideas on many topics. You know, having an unlimited access to culture can sometimes make you feel like you know a lot of things but in the end, you don’t really know anything until you live it. more

Alfredo Mora – Portrait of a Photographer
He was going out into the landscape with specific expectations and placed all his value on the final image instead of the actual experience of being out in nature – undermining his very intent for taking up photography in the outdoors, to begin with. more

The Deed and the Glory
What I couldn’t know was how living as an artist, spending more time outdoors, investing more time in experiences and in pursuit of personal interests, and making do with less income, would change me as a person. more

Huibo Hou
don’t intentionally chase excitement or thrill from doing landscape photography, although I certainly enjoy those moments when they show up! Quite the opposite, I am doing landscape photography because it lets me slow down and I can take my time to observe, discover, and create. more

Richard Martin – Portrait of a Photographer
By adopting and recognising the concept of Wabi Sabi in nature, Richard is able to find stories worth telling in a way that differentiates his work. more

Regarding Passion
It is the journey, not the destination, which is most important to the harmoniously passionate individual. Why else, for instance, would you wish to become a writer if you don't enjoy the act of dancing with words? more

Jocelyn Horsfall
Impermanence, imperfection and decay will always provide visual opportunities but are just one part of Nature’s story. more

Moments of Grace
In a moment of grace, one does not necessarily feel compelled to any action—creative or other—but rather to appreciation, to satisfaction, to hope, and to acceptance. more

Amanda Harman
Periods of non-productivity can be incredibly refreshing and reinvigorating, whilst I paused work on the Golden Valley project there was a shift in my relationship to the landscape, both practically and creatively and a shift in the way that I thought about my approach. more