on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Paid Content

Ruminations of an Optical Neurotic

The creative approach is always to work within the limitations available to us at the time and come up with the best solution, certainly not to regret the lack of a particular focal length, or an exotically-priced superior alternative. more

Franka Gabler Yosemite Falls And Rising Mist

Franka M Gabler

Before I set up my tripod, I slow down and pause for a minute. I take the time to feel the place. I open all my senses. I listen to the sounds of undisturbed forest and wildlife, the sounds of rustling leaves beneath my feet, the sounds of the river or crashing waves. more

Guy Tal Professional Freedom 8

Professional Freedom

The camera has been part of some of the most powerful, emotional, contemplative, and consequential experiences in my life. more

James Lane Ile Flottante

James Lane

On his Instagram feed, this man of science reveals a love of words and writing; here he talks about finding his voice, images that whisper, and the impact this is having on his life. It is clear he has found his passion. more

Luke Tsharke Lion S Glare

Luke Tscharke – Portrait of a Photographer

Having never been to Australia myself, I found myself really intrigued by the variety of scenes, compositions, and climates that Luke has been able to photograph there. more

Cuverville 13 01 24

Water and Fire

At grassroots level, as well as governmental. As photographers, we can share our ideas, our images, our concern and our determination. more

Gheorghe Popa Dji 0802

Gheorghe Popa

It is strange that although one is a natural lake and the other one is an artificial lake filled with poison, to me they have things in common, like the trees in the water. more


The Experience is All

I have found that in order to make my most meaningful and expressive photographs I had to learn to put photography out of my mind—to not allow it any attention at all until called upon by some aspect of a meaningful experience to make a photograph. more

David Ward Boat Feather

Nobody Expects the Inquisition!

One of my overarching motivations for photographing is to explore the gap between how the combination of my mind and eye apprehend reality and how a camera and lens render that. more

Angelo Jesus Divine

Ângelo Jesus

I consider myself mostly a reactive and instinctive photographer and as I said before, I always like the idea of waiting for nature to speak to me and show me the way. I think the key is full observation, patience and persistence. more

Near Superior, Mcdowell County, West Virginia 21.06.22

Jerry Greer – Portrait of a Photographer

Jerry’s new project, “Dust to Dust” focuses on the impacts on both the natural environment of the region as well as the impacts to the built environment and the various intersections of each. more

Joe Cornish Aireyholme Lane Wood

Colours of Summer

Everyone loves the long hot summer days, the short, warm nights, the bright greens of summer…everyone it seems, except grumpy old landscape photographers! more

Jasper Goodall Twilight's Path 019 Pollards 2020

Jasper Goodall

The process of making a photograph is akin to a performance, with the photographer as conductor. It’s up to us to decide what we reveal, where we want the emphasis, how loud or quiet the instruments are, and if we want a solo… more

Guy Tal F000412

Ideas Behind Reality in Photography

It’s important to highlight that deception involves intent. Tools and techniques don’t have intents, people do. Deception is not about whether someone applied some tool or technique, it’s about whether someone used a tool or technique specifically intending to deceive others. more

Brent Doerzman 04

Brent Doerzman – Portrait of a Photographer

He’s an absolute master at determining what to include or exclude in the frame, which is in my opinion one of the most challenging things a landscape photographer must learn to do. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.