On Staying Inspired
Even in my darkest and most anxious times, whether prompted by world events or by abnormal brain activity. I go out, even if it takes some effort, and I make whatever I’m experiencing. more

Jack Lowe
Jack embarked on a new adventure, and project called The Lifeboat Station Project. What started as an ambition to photograph the view from each lifeboat station around the UK’s coastline became a homage to the volunteers of The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). more

Altered Landscape
Altered landscapes are a brutal fact of the world around us. They speak of our insatiable appetite for earth’s resources and are a warning of what might happen if we continue the unchecked development and globalisation strategy of the last decades. more

Benjamin Graham
Nothing like a near-death experience to focus the mind, eh? And so began my period of de-stressing, downscaling and of simplification in my existence. And of the uptake of photography as a second career. more

Celebrating Wilderness Photographer Philip Hyde
Although the photographic world has changed dramatically since Phil was pioneering conservation photography, the great need for vigilance, activism and the sharing of our photographs to inspire others has not. more

On Photographic Technology
No matter how conservative or traditional we are, or wish to be, in our work, I believe that a proactive and rational approach to assimilating (or rejecting) new technologies is a better strategy than to be in denial of them. more

A Cairngorms Learning Curve
I wanted to head deep into the Cairngorms to one of the places I’d longed to photograph in winter for many years; the Loch A’an Basin. more

Robert Adams
I have wanted to write an article about Robert Adams for some time. Not because I know a lot about him. On the contrary, it is because I know so little about him that I wanted an excuse to find out more. more

Landscape as Habitat
It would be difficult to argue with the proposition that all landscape is habitat. Across the world, animals thrive and make their homes in every niche of the ecosystem. With wildlife film-making being the widely disseminated art form that it is, everyone is aware of the sheer variety and peculiarity of the natural world, evolved through time and adaptation. more

Passing Through – Paul Gallagher
Being as the lockdown has put a bit of a dampener on the concept of Passing Through, we've decided to go virtual and have a remote chat with Paul Gallagher about what he has been up to since we spoke to him last. more

Frank Sirona
All the limitations I´ve mentioned render photography a much more conscious process and that, of course, has an impact on the results you´ll bring home. more

Noise Reduction
As noisy as our world is today, it is likely to get noisier still in the years ahead. Merchants of noise—those who profit from noise—are no longer just minor inconveniences, they are enormously powerful media machines. more

Edweard Muybridge
It’s hard to write a short review of Muybridge’s life without sounding like one of Tom Sawyer’s exaggerated stories more

Lockdown Podcast #8
A short podcast this time as a few of you groaned at the amount of time you had to listen to us waffle for so this issue it's a thirty-minute dip into three topics. more