Richard Corkrey
He is fortunate to live close to some stunning areas of woodland and his images – a mix of colour, black and white, and infrared – should certainly tempt you to go for a wander in the woods. more

7 Principles to Reduce the Individual & Collective Impact of Nature Photography on Wild Places
Being part of the team that created the 7 Principles encouraged me to rethink my own behaviours and I have made some changes in response. more

Art and Flow in Photography
There is no doubt in my mind that practising photography with the attitudes and conditions conducive to flow—making it deliberately difficult, challenging, stretching one’s abilities and imagination, requiring prolonged focused engagement and consuming as much attention as one can muster—can make photography as rewarding to an artist as any other pursuit practiced with the same mindset. more

Simon Butterworth
Simon has given us a delightfully concise bio, so I’ll add a little. His images have been widely published; he has had success in high profile competitions including the Sony World Photography Awards, the International Photography Awards and the UK’s Landscape Photographer of the Year Competition more

I never expected that
It is this process of going back to Yew Tree Tarn many times and allowing myself to see the same trees, the same grasslands and experience the transition of the seasons, that firmly placed seeds in my mind that gradually germinated and flourished into latent photographs. more

Quest for Calm
The content of the image i.e. the arrangement of the visual elements could be compared to the words chosen to form sentences, while the tone in which they are uttered similar to the tones we select for rendering our images. more

Hengki Koentjoro
Indonesia is the country I live in; with thousands of islands, it is easily dubbed as the biggest archipelago nation on earth. The ocean, in particular, is my favourite playground; it is a place where one can see calmness as well as the power of the ocean. more

Gevork Mosesi
I believe this is a great time to be working with film. Film photography has made a resurgence. more

Monochromatic Lens
Monochromatic Lens is the system I use and teach photographers wishing to explore monochrome photography. more

Stephen Segasby
Early in the interview, Stephen mentions that as well as needing time to attune ourselves to a new place, leaving the familiar allows us to re-evaluate what we have done there. more

Beyond Equivalence
The Equivalent is one of those ideas that in practice grows by the efforts and accomplishments of the people who explore it. ~ Minor White more

Graeme Green
A great landscape photo should have some kind of emotional power and get a response from the person looking at it, rather than just being a representation of a location. more

The Uninvited Guest
The guest we carry around with us is fear; fear of failure, of not fitting in, of not living up to our expectations, the vision of our perfect self, doubting ourselves, even when in our own minds we are clear as crystal. more

It’s Time We Were Critical
Used this way, by explaining why something works and constructively criticising less well-executed work, criticism can really help others improve their work. more

Dan Baumbach
You’re very much in the present moment creating out of nothing. Thought only comes into it when you try to actualise what you’re seeing. You need to think about exposure, focus and all that. more