The restorative effects of landscape photography
For so many landscape photographers, there is a reverence for nature that is reflected in our images. The natural world provides relief from the burdens of everyday life, with studies showing that time spent in nature has a measurable positive effect on our stress levels and state of mind. more

Time to reflect…
Mystery lurks in the disparity between how I see and how the camera sees. I’m more interested in the ways in which they imperfectly match than in any apparent congruence. more

Varieties of Experience
Appreciating the experience of a chance encounter with beauty as worthy in itself, requiring no further qualification to be regarded as unequivocally good, already makes the entire photographic endeavour a positive and venerable one. more

Jo Stephen
A few years ago, I set out to try and capture images that illustrated the ephemeral quality of the nature around me. I wanted to explore the movement of energy between subject and landscape. more

Why are neutral density graduated filters so popular?
Although I am dedicated to the post-production stages of photography I also believe that getting things ‘right’ in camera makes the editing stage a great deal more enjoyable. more

Graduated Filter Test – Part Five (Bonus!)
It was pointed out by a couple of readers that I’d missed a couple of tests that they would have liked to have seen. These were a ‘scratch resistance’ test and a vignetting test. Whilst I didn’t foresee these changing the results really, I was keen to include them. I also promised a short video on each filter to demonstrate some of the usability issues I’d talked about in the last issue. Skip this section if you just want more

David Queenan
While we (or others) may consider ourselves primarily ‘landscape photographers’, there are no boxes in life and we need not limit our curious minds. more

Time and Photography
A strong fascination with the concept of time has permeated my work from the very beginning and indeed now, in retrospect, I realise it might well be the reason why I chose photography as a medium of personal expression and investigation of the world I live in. more

Romain Tornay
For Romain Tornay it was the stories that he read from an early age that inspired him to travel to and experience the same environments that had so fascinated him. more

Nadir Khan
Nadir Khan may be no stranger to our readers as he's had some previous successes in the Landscape Photographer of the Year competition with an image of two snowboarders "Hunting the Pow". more

Photographic Pedagogy
Beyond any subject taught in any class, I believe that it is also the duty of any teacher to instil in students critical thinking skills, creativity being just one. more

Graduated ND Filter Sharpness and Flare – Part Three
The issue of sharpness and filters comes up regularly in forums and the general consensus seems to be that any filter affects sharpness a bit and poorer glass filters can be worse. more

Nick Stone
His photographs are supported by and integral with his writing about the traces that the landscape carries of our influence and interference - often things that we overlook, simply don’t see or choose to ignore. more

End frame: Kussharo Lake Tree, Study 4, Kotan, Hokkaido by Michael Kenna
Stephen McNally chooses one of his favourite images, a classic photograph from Michael Kenna more

Discovery and Rediscovery
What would it have felt like to know that someday I’ll explore, photograph, and write about this vast and magnificent, and largely unexplored, desert, thousands of miles away from my birthplace, as my full-time job? more