on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Paid Content
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Sally Mason

I’ve long had a deep engagement with all forms of art and photography. Having always worked in creative industries, I’ve been surrounded by the work of all kinds of visual artists. more

The Feathertop Ridgeline

Photographing the Simple Beauty of Nature

It is a rewarding experience for me to interact with people in this way, and it goes a long way towards alleviating my early concerns that landscape photography is simply a self-indulgent activity. more

Tb Under Water 017

Underwater photography without diving

Whereas the use of drones has boomed within landscape photography, the opportunities for underwater photography are hardly exploited, if at all. more

Any Questions Title Davidward

Any Questions, with special guest David Ward

Welcome to the sixth episode of our "Any Questions" series, where hosts Joe Cornish and Tim Parkin delve into the questions you've submitted. This month's guest was David Ward, and we had a bunch of questions about his thoughts about the curse of the masterpiece, the transition from film to digital, what style means in photography, how the art world perceives landscape photography and much more. more


Converting to CMYK

Given the fact that the first time people most people encounter CMYK conversions is when they’re spending a lot of money, you can understand why people get worried. more

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Danielle Macleod

Returning to the Isle of Lewis and its abundance of natural materials helped to spark her creativity, and a mentorship through An Lanntair's Artist Support Scheme provided the confidence needed to develop a personal practice outside of art school. more

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Jesse Brown Nelson – Portrait of a Photographer

In addition to his skills as a photographer able to see both wide and near, Jesse’s story may inspire readers while instilling some ideas on becoming a better photographer. more

9.15.2 Jardin De Trolliusbis, La Buena

Uge Fuertes

I try to make creativity a path. The daring and risky composition is my hallmark; I like to seek perfection in composition and highlight only the remarkable, ignoring the rest. We are what we photograph and also what we see. Seeing is not only a physical question. more

This Is My Truth Lewis James Phillips

This is my truth, Tell me yours

The sheer delight in being faced by the lighting in the landscape from a sky on fire as the sun rises or sets can be some of the best medicines which can’t be prescribed by any doctor. more

Any Questions Title Paulmitchell

Any Questions, with special guest Paul Mitchell

Welcome to the fourth episode of our "Any Questions" series, where hosts Joe Cornish and Tim Parkin delve into the questions you've submitted. This month's guest was Paul Mitchell, and we had a bunch of questions about his thoughts on beauty, critiques, pinhole photography, design and book making and more. more


Nature in the Netherlands

I am strongly considering giving nature in the Netherlands another chance and taking up a new book project here. But first, of course, I want to finish my project on European canyons. We really don't have those in the Netherlands! more

Wild Roses Ol

Anna Morgan

I hope they show a reverence for the natural world that you experience every day. We are surrounded by nature everywhere, even among the high rises of the big cities - it may feel less pervasive in urban areas, but we are not separated from it. more

10 Bf Deep Blue

Bill Ferngren – Portrait of a Photographer

Another aspect of Bill’s photography that is worth noting is the way in which he is able to showcase tranquility in his photography in such a consistent fashion. more

Cody Schultz Dscf0755

Embracing Opportunity

Over the course of the last few months, we have experienced what feels like a record-breaking amount of rain. The land around me is in a constant flux of flooding. more

Any Questions Colinprior

Any Questions, with special guest Colin Prior

This fourth episode features Colin Prior where we discussed his background and journey as a photographer, his transition from film to digital photography, and his experiences using the 617 camera in the mountains. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.