on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Paid Content

A Look at the Resurgence of Wet Plate

We asked Alex Boyd, a well-practised collodionist himself, about what it was about the medium that attracted so many people more


Karl Mortimer

Working my way through his website it appears that a more graphic emphasis is coming into his work – his use of the square format, the negative space in his compositions, and his macro minimals. more


Sally Mann

I have now read her memoir, Hold Still, twice and am pretty sure I could re-read it several more times, never be bored and continue finding new depths and insights. more


A Fool’s Errand

To artificially impose some consistent look in all your photographs, rather than to let such a look emerge naturally from the way you experience and express the world and yourself, may result in a style, perhaps even a style unique to you, but it will not be your personal style. more

Al Brydon - Based on a False Story 2

Al Brydon

You can only draw on your own life and experiences when creating something you feel is important enough to share with other people. I find myself thinking again that one of the most basic human needs is to be understood. more


Realism and Honesty in Photography

The role of realism in photographs, as discussed in Guy Tal’s recent article on the morality and realism in photography, is as provocative as it is elusive. Guy’s article, whilst impeccably written and well received, stimulated debate and discussion both on our website and amongst many of my colleagues. more


Floris van Breugel

His photographs offer a different perspective on the American landscape that emphasises biodiversity and includes a sense of scale and delicacy while hinting at the epic adventures that may be had there. more

Rafael Rojas - Liquid Photography 3

Liquid photography

This same fast paced culture of immediacy, speed and acceleration have also shaped not only the way we photograph but also the way we consume photography and the motivations and aspirations we have of the medium when we embrace it. more

Rick Barks - Photography, chance and solitude image 7

Photography, Chance and Solitude

Critics of landscape photography and there are many, argue that it romantically pedals a dangerous myth that the natural environment is an unspoilt, Garden of Eden. more


Shona Grant

There’s been a resurgence in interest in artists’ books among landscape photographers recently. There is too the possibility that the book itself can become a thing of beauty and it’s been a pleasure to see the images that Shona Grant has been sharing of her creations. more

Guy Tal ~ The Humanless Condition 2

The Humanless Condition

For an introvert, it is likely that the quality and experience of photography may be impeded by the not-uncommon tendency to practice photography in groups, or in places where escaping the presence, chatter, and behaviour of others is difficult. more

Alister Benn ~ Inside Out

Photography as Performance Art

In landscape photography, transcending the subject is quite difficult and is far less emotionally compliant than some other genres - portraiture, or street photography for example, where human values are explicit in the content. more


Simon Baxter on Vlogging

A few weeks ago, Simon Baxter and his dog Meg joined us in the Highlands to sample some of the delights that the Atlantic rainforest of Ardnamurchan has to offer. Simon is one of a new breed of communicator called a 'vlogger'. more


Guy Dickinson

I am open to anything that makes you stop, think and question what’s in front of you; I have little time for the purely picturesque. more

Colleen Miniuk-Sperry - shoshin 7


All it took was adopting a simple attitude change. Instead of judging the weather and light (or even looking at the weather forecast ahead of a shoot), I felt grateful for whatever Mother Nature provided to me. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.