Finding Your Creative Voice
In hindsight, a critical transformation was underway, one where I was moving away from a person who liked to take pretty pictures and becoming a visual artist with a unique, creative voice. more

Ross Brown
As landscape photographers who frequent wild habitats, it is important that we think of supporting and sustaining these to make them enjoyable for our children and future generations. more

Flow States and the Art of Consciousness Cycling
Consciousness Cycling is my way of saying that I examine and review my Flow State work to gain insights into me. I look for themes, concepts, mirrors to other elements of my life or the zeitgeist. more

Neil Barr
For Neil, landscape photography started as an addendum to an escape into the landscapes of Scotland, but it soon became much more than that leading him to step through the door. more

It Depends
The short answer is that creative expression (accomplished by way of divergent thinking) is shown to be strongly correlated with a sense of meaning in life. more

On Exhibitions
Scientific research has proved that our brains react and process information in different ways, activating different parts of the brain, depending on whether we are exposed to physical or digital media (like an image on our iPhone). more

Yosemite Photographs
Joe Cornish talks through some of the images taken during his family holiday in Yosemite last year. more

Yellow Mountains
The Yellow Mountains situated in the Anhui province of eastern China 5 hours west of Shanghai and the journey alone would prove to be an eye opener for me. more

Michael E Gordon
A passionate conservationist ready to speak out in support of his beliefs, Michael is especially drawn to the desert. more

Judging the Judges
One of the transformations I witnessed over the years in how and why people practice photography, is the rise in popularity of participating in competitions and in critique sessions. more

Interview with Ben Horne
This issue we have a long awaited interview with Ben Horne, the You Tube'ing large format photographer from the US. We caught up with Ben just after his latest Zion trip. more

Sharp but not Sharper
I would like to consider the well established idea that sharper is always better and whether we could adopt an alternative qualitative measurement system instead. more

Nicki Gwynn-Jones
A number of us have been enjoying the images that she’s shared on social media this year of Orkney’s wildflowers and wild waves, more

The Photography of Peter Dombrovskis, Journey Into the Wild
I think it’s safe to say that the new Dombrovskis retrospective was one of my most anticipated books of recent years and sadly, upon having time to study the book at length, it’s also one of the most disappointing. This doesn’t mean that the book doesn’t have value and it is certainly the case that bringing a level of anticipation to any purchase enhances the sense of disappointment when things aren’t quite as expected. Let’s backtrack a little though. Peter more

The Photography of Peter Dombrovskis: Journeys into the Wild
I caught up with Les at his Melbourne studio on a Spring afternoon a week after the opening of “Journeys into the Wild”, an exhibition of Peter Dombrovskis’ photography at the National Library of Australia. more