Jane Simmonds
It’s interesting to see the enthusiasm with which techniques such as intentional camera movement and multiple exposures have been taken up, and the variety of images that result. more

Personal Style
When I write about photography, I do so from my own perspective and based on my own experiences throughout my ongoing development. That journey will end when I do, and I believe strongly that my images will continue to change and develop as I age. If my photographs are a window to my soul, I would hope that in the future that window reveals a better version of myself than today. Surely that is what the journey of life more

Earth Stands Still
Nils Karlson’s photography mines a popular seam of creativity, the liquid horizon. That unearthly split between liquid and gaseous holds a mirror up to light, weather and flow. more

The Making of Time
Telling the story so people can understand it and connect with it. So we've done a few events like that and selling the book at the end. They carry the story, not just a book. more

Humanising the Machine
I realise with some joy that the camera is with me. There is no doubt in my mind that now is the time to photograph, to alloy emotions to appearances, to distil the experience into visual journal entries more

Gary Wagner
An understanding of light links his commercial work and his personal landscape photography which he talks about more for us in this issue. more

Finding the forest when lost amongst the trees
In photography though that word implies the ability for artistic vision. The ability to isolate and focus on those visual elements that will be key to self expression. more

The Decaying Alps
The reality I saw was quite different, and yet perhaps no different to any other mountain landscape. Switzerland is a developed country, not a wilderness. Humanity’s presence is everywhere – even if landscape photography rarely embraces that presence to its full extent. more

Limestone Landscapes
One rock stands out, to me, as just that little bit different, that little bit special – limestone. Limestone has a story to tell like no other, a story that spans the vastness of geological time and yet one that continues on a scale more comprehensible to humans. more

Geoff Woods
The image is very important, it must have feeling, and it must speak for you when you’re not there. A picture must say a thousand words as they say. more

A Photographer’s Life
All of this story is told by way of a series of anecdotes in this Rocky Nook publication. more

Beyond the Spectacular
Most photographers want to make images that are "better" and "different" than the rest. In other words, "extraordinary". But what does "extraordinary" mean? more

Angela Chalmers
Angela is a visual artist based in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, who uses painting, printmaking and photography to explore the themes that interest her. more

The Journey of the Autumn Leaves
For nature and landscape photographers autumn is obviously also a great season, offering all kind of possibilities for moody and colourful pictures. But it is not so easy to make something new out it. more