Eric Erlenbusch
Based on my experiences, the images which seem to resonate and engage viewers are ones which leave room for the viewer to have their own interpretation of the image. more

Brittany Colt – Portrait of a Photographer
Brittany was born blind in one eye, which makes seeing the wide-angle perspective an impossibility; however, what I’ve learned about Brittany’s journey in photography is that she’s been able to turn that disability into an advantage. more

Jaume Llorens
That the images inspire them is probably the most common comment. They find poetry, delicacy, sensitivity and beauty in them. It's a biased collection because only positive comments reach me. more

Is Intimate the new Grand?
Intimate landscapes, on the other hand, offer the photographer much more freedom. The possibilities are almost endless. more

Any Questions, with special guest Lizzie Shepherd
The premise of our podcast is based loosely around Radio Four's "Any Questions", Joe Cornish and I (Tim Parkin) invite a special guest onto each show and solicit questions from our subscribers. This months guest is Lizzie Shepherd and we had a bunch of questions about her printing, skiing, creative photography, ethics, etc.. more

Janet Tavener
I was drawn to Janet’s images by their fluid beauty but they may challenge you to think about your own definition of photographic genre, for all that we do is interconnected and our path into revelation may be our own life experiences. more

Yuki Kamishima – Portrait of a Photographer
I find myself most enamoured by their intricate and beautifully constructed abstract photographs. The way that Yuki leverages light and composition to showcase the smaller details found in winter has me returning to their work repeatedly. more

The Art of Mystery
As a photographer working to inspire an attitude of conservation in a world that values natural places less and less each day, I intentionally create images to show others that wilderness has much more to offer us in its unspoiled state than anything we could possibly extract from it materially more

A Door in Tannerre
Unless Art Wolfe reads this text, he will never know about his impact on my photographic journey. Like him, we too, by simply practising our passions and sharing our stories, may never know who we may inspire and how we may flare up someone else’s creativity more

Any Questions, with special guest Alex Nail
Our first podcast features Alex Nail, and we've had questions about his new book, mountain photography, colour management and much more more

Jay Tayag
I have wanted to try platinum palladium contact printing some of my negatives. It's been on my mind ever since I started shooting 8x10 and it's another reason why I started to shoot more black and white film. more

Why We Do It
I’m extremely fortunate that nature photography found me and that I’m in a place that allows me to pursue it extensively. Most of my thoughts could just as easily apply to any creative endeavour or even just as advice on how to improve my life. more

Varanger Fjord in Winter
I went back to a photo trip that was perhaps the perfect trip in many ways, a winter trip to the remote Varanger fjord in northeastern Norway. I'm going to explain why this was such a special trip for me, will you travel with me? more

Vanda Ralevska
I never set out with any intention to make any of my projects. They all come out as a result of experiencing the world. Go out and respond to what you see and feel. Figure out what excites you and what you feel passionate about more

The Visual Language of Aerial Photography
There has been a proliferation of aerial images in contemporary Australian landscape photography. These aerial images are quite often very abstract in nature, which begs the question – what is the visual language of aerial photography? more