Leaving the Cave
Of course, photographs can also be much more than just (partial) evidence of, or accessories to understanding, what is likely to be true. They can also create new truths. more
Thoughtfully Choosing not to Act
No matter if we are amateurs or professionals, when we feel the weight of these choices, I believe that the best thing we can do when facing such a conundrum is thoughtfully accepting not to act. more
Roger Fishman
So part of my intention is to elevate water as an art form. To increase and change the dialogue about water. Thus, by creating images of water as art, water can be seen and felt as something super special. more
Jim Lamont – Portrait of a Photographer
There is a rich history of landscape photographers taking up the cause of climate change and natural resource protection through their work. more
10 years as a Professional Landscape Photographer
The anniversary is a great time to look back at the past period. What has changed? And what will the future bring? Although I am under no illusion of being complete, I would like to mention some developments in landscape photography that stand out for me. more
Artificial Art
The real question—the more troubling question by far–is not whether AI creations are or are not, will or will not be, considered as art, but what we stand to lose as human beings, in terms of human experience, by allowing for such creations to be considered as art. more
Cath Gothard
If I were forced to choose a favourite season to photograph the park, then it would have to be spring. It’s such an optimistic season, with new life emerging from the slumber of winter. more
Bearing Witness
If we are looking for more meaningful and rewarding experiences and to make photos that are creative and self-expressive, then I would argue there may be times when the camera should never come out of the bag. more
Mieke Boynton – Portrait of a Photographer
In this article, I hope to convey how Mieke’s approach to photography has elevated her work, how her immeasurable passion and aptitude for aerial photography have differentiated her from her peers, and how her desire to honour the Aboriginal people of Australia has given her work purpose. more
Review of ‘22
Ansel Adams famously wrote that twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. Significant is obviously the key word here. I am the kind of person who feels Eeyore is dangerously over optimistic. So, hoping that I will make twelve notable images seems very ambitious. more
Rene Algesheimer
If the sum of the whole can be greater than its parts, then René Algesheimer has plenty to draw on, with a skill set that encompasses music and mathematics, a highly relevant contemporary specialism, and considerable passion for both the visual arts and written word. Working almost exclusively on projects, René tends – contrary to what we are encouraged to do by social media – to more
Camels, Lions, and Children
In his book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche described three “metamorphoses of the spirit”—stages of personal development that people may (if they choose) pursue if they wish to live their lives to the fullest, which, according to Nietzsche, means living according to one’s own values with the greatest degree of freedom. more
Winter’s Stillness
When it comes to photography, one of my favourite products of winter’s stillness is the ice that forms. What I love about ice is that you can find it almost anywhere, granted it gets cold enough. more
Richard Martin
Richard is an advocate of ‘play’ and of keeping an open mind; process is important, and equipment is simply a means to an end. Often photographing close to home, Richard’s images frequently feature flow, whether in the form of water or plant life. more
Natural Landscape Photography Awards 2022
The Natural Landscape Photography Awards are all wrapped up and I’m sitting here compiling the book to go with the 2022 results. I thought it would be interesting to recap on the process and show some of the winners and also some of my own personal favourites from our competition finalists. Going into the competition this year, we weren’t certain of its success. We had done so well in the first year but we knew that there were many people more