on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Critiques

Chris Goddard

This week I asked Chris Goddard from the south of Wales to send a couple of pictures of Mewslade to me to 'critique'. I'm not a huge fan of the term critique - hints of criticise but that is far from what I want to do here. The two photographs are wonderful interpretations of an area of the world that I visited and found very difficult. If you want to see some more of Chris's pictures, take a look more


Robert Garrigus

Robert Garrigus volunteered his photographs to be the subject of Joe Cornish and Tim Parkin's photography critique and what a good couple of compositions they were too. Many thanks Robert. Part One https://youtu.be/362kVm1OB-w   Part Two https://youtu.be/B6bOVnMVc1M   more


Hamish Roots

We're starting a new section in this issue due to feedback from our subscribers and readers. We'll be regularly featuring critiques of our readers pictures and the 'critiquers' (is that a word?) will either be Joe or myself or one of our featured photographers. For this first critique, Hamish Roots has volunteered to be our willing victim and we'll be talking about two of his pictures taken on an epic trip to the Lake District that I also attended more


Hindsight – Hardcastle Crags

‘Hindsight’ screencasts - we review a picture that works well, a picture from the same session that didn’t quite make the grade and a shot that was archived. more

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