on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

Can You Hear the Music?

The most important tool of photography is your mind. Keep it sharp. Avoid distraction. Fill it with knowledge about your subject matter. more

12 Looking Across To Derry Cairngorm

Winter Colour

My philosophy of photography has evolved a few times over the last decade, but there’s a core question I keep coming back to: am I doing a thing in order to create images, or am I doing it to have an adventure and maybe create image opportunities along the way? more


The Challenge of Over Shot Locations

When I arrived, I came across another challenge: How do I go about photographing an area which has been shot to death by so many other photographers in the past? more

Excellence Of Light

The Art of the Print

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the Swedish Photography Championships, where I was thrilled to win in the Landscape/Nature category. The competition begins with a digital qualification and transitions to a print final. more

Kelp On Opinan Beach

The Big Move

And that love, that feeling of awe at the smaller and smaller world around me, led me to take all sorts of images that would have been beyond my more narrow-minded Cumbria persona. more

Image 10 M White

Reading the Landscape

Choosing to follow an instinctive rather than intellectual pathway through an image and its supporting text does not necessarily weaken the veracity of the subject matter either. more

Img 3728 Redigera Redigera

Exploring Sumi-E

These three techniques—Sumi-e, Negative Space, and black-and-white photography—have inspired a series of images that can really only be created during snow-rich winters. more

6. Oewf

On Engagement with ‘Form’

It is an approach that I have applied for some time and that has allowed me to start pursuing, as acclaimed American photographer Ralph Gibson puts it, a “visual signature” and to evolve the artistic outcomes I seek (and the methods by which I achieve those outcomes). more


The Perfect Failure

Above all, the whole trip was an unforgettable adventure, which still gives me a big smile when I think about it. Some experiences are priceless, and in such a case, the journey itself is much more important than the destination or the results. more

Suncopating Caustics

Landscape and all that Jazz

Others have referred to the idea of both music and photography containing rhythm, both containing light and dark, or positive and negative, and to the “subject” being the focus of either piece or image more

Matt Payne Article 2024 4

Geotagging, Gatekeeping, and Responsible Location Sharing in Landscape Photography

This week, I had the misfortune of having one of my most unique photographs go viral in a Facebook Group about Colorado Photography. I say misfortune because this explosion in views came with a litany of comments from viewers asking me to provide the exact location of the photograph. more

Dsc8992 Edit

What Makes a Great Photo?

It is when the photographer adds nothing of their imagination or individuality to the photo that it becomes nothing more than a recording of objective appearances. more

Ol Final 8

But What’s in the Mountains?

Big Sur is renowned for its beautiful, rugged coastline, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Santa Lucia Mountains. However, the features within these mountains are less known. more

Sarine Bp7

Boring Postcards

I already had an idea for an article on boring postcards in mind when I was writing the last article on The Collecting of Images, having a vague memory of having seen books of boring postcards for sale. more

Turk's Cap Lily, 2024

On Labels and Limitations

For the longest time, I have forced upon myself a label, a classification, specifically revolving around the type of art I create. Even calling what I make “art” places a name upon my creations and differentiates my work from photography, writing, etc. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.