Tragedies of the Landscape Commons
In recent years, landscape photography has become so popular that photographers now pose a real risk to the welfare of natural landscapes and their communities of life, and to the experiences these places make possible. more

The Post-Processing Debate, Part II
The essence of the current debate is, at what point does post-processing cease to approximate reality as it was and begin to depict reality as the photographer wished it to be? more

Landscape and the Philosophers of Photography
The battle between the photographer and the camera to provide an informative image and avoiding redundancy is an increasing challenge as novel locations become commonplace and cameras and digital processing more sophisticated. more

Shooting in the Dark
Do we need to reconsider our approach to photographing the landscape? I think we do. If the quest for true answers will limit our freedom to roam the world in the pursuit of creativeness and adventure, are we willing to take the consequences? more

Motivations in Landscape Photography
I urge each of you reading to articulate if only to yourself, what motivates you and why, and what you do to drive your own motivation. more

The Illusion of Reality
A fundamental fallacy here is that post-processing is viewed with suspicion and is always accused of being manipulative, while the creative decisions made before triggering that button on the camera are completely free of it. more

Jack of All Trades
It’s good to be a butterfly from time to time and land upon a different way of seeing, but the only way to do this is letting go of what you think you should be making photographs of. more

Three Rocks, The Butt of Lewis
The textures and patterns, angles and structures are visible amid the many seabirds that cling to the rocks and swoop in and out of the waves. more

The Sublime Landscape
At its best, sublime landscape photography reminds us of the (literally) awesome power, and beauty, of nature. more

The Way We Were
Over-walked paths are growing with fresh wildflowers, ferns trampled in river gorges are bursting upwards towards the light; joyful in their isolation. more

Love Dandelions
Could we use our creativity and skill, our dedication and commitment, to raise the profile of specific issues and/or might we link in with the scientists from Wildlife Trusts, conservation bodies and local universities? more

The Value of Things
I am trying to say something about fragility and vulnerability too. Not just my own, but that of the landscape itself, which is threatened by development and habitat destruction, and all the more so because most assume there is nothing of value here. more

The Path Towards Expression – part 3
In this article, I will analyse a case study, using one of my personal projects: “Septentrio”. For once, the importance here will shift from the photographs (the end result) to the process and its coherence. more

The Post-Processing Debate, Part I:
Few topics in landscape photography generate as much emotional debate as digital post-processing. The fascinating thing about the current debate is that it closely parallels a similar debate that occurred nearly 100 years ago. more

Meaning, C19 and the Voice Within Our Landscapes
During this pandemic crisis, landscape photography is as relevant and meaningful as ever. It has much to offer in terms of thinking about re-evaluating our approach and the opportunity to do things differently when we emerge from this situation. more