Jack of All Trades
It’s good to be a butterfly from time to time and land upon a different way of seeing, but the only way to do this is letting go of what you think you should be making photographs of. more
Three Rocks, The Butt of Lewis
The textures and patterns, angles and structures are visible amid the many seabirds that cling to the rocks and swoop in and out of the waves. more
The Sublime Landscape
At its best, sublime landscape photography reminds us of the (literally) awesome power, and beauty, of nature. more
The Way We Were
Over-walked paths are growing with fresh wildflowers, ferns trampled in river gorges are bursting upwards towards the light; joyful in their isolation. more
Love Dandelions
Could we use our creativity and skill, our dedication and commitment, to raise the profile of specific issues and/or might we link in with the scientists from Wildlife Trusts, conservation bodies and local universities? more
The Value of Things
I am trying to say something about fragility and vulnerability too. Not just my own, but that of the landscape itself, which is threatened by development and habitat destruction, and all the more so because most assume there is nothing of value here. more
The Path Towards Expression – part 3
In this article, I will analyse a case study, using one of my personal projects: “Septentrio”. For once, the importance here will shift from the photographs (the end result) to the process and its coherence. more
The Post-Processing Debate, Part I:
Few topics in landscape photography generate as much emotional debate as digital post-processing. The fascinating thing about the current debate is that it closely parallels a similar debate that occurred nearly 100 years ago. more
Meaning, C19 and the Voice Within Our Landscapes
During this pandemic crisis, landscape photography is as relevant and meaningful as ever. It has much to offer in terms of thinking about re-evaluating our approach and the opportunity to do things differently when we emerge from this situation. more
Photographing Rocks
As visual artists, we are as trained as anyone in the power of perspective: the multi-dimensional relationship between “the world” and one’s point of view. more
Iconic Landscape
Arguably, one of the hardest tricks in photography is to make genuinely different, interesting photographs of extremely well-known – iconic (for want of a better word) – places. more
Listening to the Arctic
The best way to make observations in the Arctic is to be passive, to drift with the dynamic frozen ocean. The German Icebreaker Polarstern has been doing exactly that since the start of October 2019. more
The hidden value of the humble peat bog
The UK’s peatlands store over 3 billion tonnes of carbon – that’s roughly the same amount as all the forests in the UK, France and Germany combined. more
Living a Visual Life
I approach things mostly by intuition, but when I feel that a photographic opportunity may be present, or when I feel a desire to make a photograph, I slow down and consider consciously what possibilities and visual components are available to me, and may come up with ideas that were not originally obvious. more
The Meaning of a Life
But what role does photography play in this life, and why is it so important, not just to me, but to millions of others around the world as well? Have we lost sight of this meaning, and can we get it back? more