on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

Interview with Greg Stewart of Kozu Books

We work very closely with the photographers in order to create a photo book that totally reflects their identity, this is crucial to the finished book and its success. more


An exploration of Brian Eno’s ‘Ambient 4 : On Land’

The album includes tracks titled, ‘Lizard Point’, ‘Lantern Marsh’ and ‘Dunwich Beach, Autumn 1960’. My interest was piqued. Where were these places, and what did they have to do with the music? more


Monochromatic Lens

Monochromatic Lens is the system I use and teach photographers wishing to explore monochrome photography. more


Creation by Passing Ducks and The Representation of Reality

I suggest only that if an image is to have any deeper meaning in the realist sense, then keeping a strong link between image and the real landscape is important. more


Beyond Equivalence

The Equivalent is one of those ideas that in practice grows by the efforts and accomplishments of the people who explore it. ~ Minor White more


Graeme Green

A great landscape photo should have some kind of emotional power and get a response from the person looking at it, rather than just being a representation of a location. more


The Uninvited Guest

The guest we carry around with us is fear; fear of failure, of not fitting in, of not living up to our expectations, the vision of our perfect self, doubting ourselves, even when in our own minds we are clear as crystal. more


It’s Time We Were Critical

Used this way, by explaining why something works and constructively criticising less well-executed work, criticism can really help others improve their work. more


Lyme Disease

I don’t know if it was before or after my trip to London that I decided to write an article on ticks and Lyme disease but since I did start writing, my level of Lyme disease paranoia has been a bit scary. more


What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting

You may well find that the best preparation for a photographic outing, is to deliberately go unprepared. more



The diamond mining ghost town of Kolmanskop, a collection of skeletal buildings a short way off that same highway, is a testament to just that fact. more


Deception by Realism

Photographers working in such places, wishing for their images to convey impressions such as wildness, remoteness, or peaceful contemplation, often compose their photographs deliberately to exclude people, roads, and structures that might betray the true nature of the place and the true experience of being in it. more


Meaning: You Get to Decide

Do not let the fear of outside judgment and opinions limit your vision. Defining what’s meaningful to you requires courage and conviction. more


Remnants on the High Plains

The objective of finding the abandoned places led me through some of the most beautiful grasslands I have ever seen. more


Letting go of Truth

To be honest, this all contributes to my love affair with monochromatic photography.  Because abstraction is more obvious for the viewer, and for me, it gives me more artistic freedom. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.