on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

Being There

Put another way, it's the journey that counts, not the destination. Personally, I think that applies to photography too. more


The Power of Transitions

As in life, transitions are one of the most important tools in photography, and in this article, I want to look at what they are, their origin and types. more


The Second Kind

What, then, are the things that second-kind photographers “gain by taking pictures they are interested in,” that are significant enough to warrant declining a prestigious job offer? more


If No One Saw Your Photographs

Despite the flood of pictures we see on a daily basis, I still believe in a photograph’s ability to influence people’s behaviours and decisions. more


The Collaborative Photographer

Photography, at least in the way I practice is, is a complete solitary endeavour, and in fact, that is one of the things that attract me the most about it. more


Changing Perceptions in Landscape Photography

If the message is meant to raise awareness or be a call to action, then the photographer is best served by also adopting behaviours and strategies that support the veracity of their narratives. more


Landscape and Abstraction

My assertion, “landscape lacks a ‘subject’” must be debatable; perhaps that is why the lone tree remains a hardy perennial for landscape photographers, for the apparent isolation of the tree lends it a presence and also an inherent storyline (loneliness, resilience against the elements, confidence etc). more


The Age of Neopictorialism

Contending that photography, like painting, can be a medium for art, photographers of the 19th century evolved a style known as Pictorialism. more


What it meant to me

We all, as photographers, reach for our camera, place in the frame what we want to include in our photograph, and press the shutter button. One thing that is common in all of us is that we did it for a reason. more


Diamonds and Sand

I’ll be honest, as a sceptic with a scientific background, even when we lived in the Tibetan Regions for 7 years, surrounded by monks, lamas and temples, I could never quite bring myself to meditate. more


Meet Your DMN

When your attention is focused on the task of making photographs, mindfulness—consciously paying attention to things happening in the present moment—gives you the ingredients from which to make photographs. more


Limitations and constraints in photography

Many are the individuals who have praised the beneficial effects of limitations and constraints in the creative process. more


Tales of a Wandering Photographer

As with any journey, each is unique, the options unlimited and we each choose our own route. They all differ and there is no right or wrong. It’s a very personal thing. more


Social Media and Photography

Are vloggers marching towards us like an army of the undead, insatiably overwhelming all those who dare not to join their horde? more


Giants of the Mystic forest

It’s a place that calms the mind, heals the soul and instils humility in those who walk into it. Walking among the giants makes you realise how tiny you and your problems are. more

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