on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

Ethics in photography

The thorny issue of ethics and moral responsibilities in documentary photography, particularly in the case of photojournalism has been discussed many times. more


Ebb and Flow

In October 2017, my relationship with landscape photography suddenly changed as if someone flipped a light switch. By not giving up on, but rather giving into the process, I found flow in my life (and photography) again. more


The Collodion Artist

In a world of high iso, high megapixel, high dynamic range photography, why do so many artists use a medium that was out of date in the 19th Century? more


A Look at the Resurgence of Wet Plate

We asked Alex Boyd, a well-practised collodionist himself, about what it was about the medium that attracted so many people more


A Fool’s Errand

To artificially impose some consistent look in all your photographs, rather than to let such a look emerge naturally from the way you experience and express the world and yourself, may result in a style, perhaps even a style unique to you, but it will not be your personal style. more


Realism and Honesty in Photography

The role of realism in photographs, as discussed in Guy Tal’s recent article on the morality and realism in photography, is as provocative as it is elusive. Guy’s article, whilst impeccably written and well received, stimulated debate and discussion both on our website and amongst many of my colleagues. more

Rafael Rojas - Liquid Photography 3

Liquid photography

This same fast paced culture of immediacy, speed and acceleration have also shaped not only the way we photograph but also the way we consume photography and the motivations and aspirations we have of the medium when we embrace it. more

Rick Barks - Photography, chance and solitude image 7

Photography, Chance and Solitude

Critics of landscape photography and there are many, argue that it romantically pedals a dangerous myth that the natural environment is an unspoilt, Garden of Eden. more

Guy Tal ~ The Humanless Condition 2

The Humanless Condition

For an introvert, it is likely that the quality and experience of photography may be impeded by the not-uncommon tendency to practice photography in groups, or in places where escaping the presence, chatter, and behaviour of others is difficult. more


From Realism to Abstraction

Once we’ve got to grips with some techniques we might start to look for own individual style. Many photographers are content to hone their skills and search for the elusive moments of light and conditions that will produce a new interpretation of a classic location. more

Alister Benn ~ Inside Out

Photography as Performance Art

In landscape photography, transcending the subject is quite difficult and is far less emotionally compliant than some other genres - portraiture, or street photography for example, where human values are explicit in the content. more

Colleen Miniuk-Sperry - shoshin 7


All it took was adopting a simple attitude change. Instead of judging the weather and light (or even looking at the weather forecast ahead of a shoot), I felt grateful for whatever Mother Nature provided to me. more

Rafael Rojas ~Fern revolution - Spain

The Label

A single word, a label, can narrowly define the whole life of an artist, directing not only the audience into a single way of understanding and experiencing his or her work, but also shaping the artist himself. more


The Anatomy of Grey

A lot of today’s black and white images seem to be missing some of the subtle mid greys that I love so much. more

Guy Tal - Morality and Realism in Photography Image 3

Morality and Realism in Photography

To a photographic artist, the insistence on dogmatic adherence to the tenets of photojournalism is especially confounding. There is no reason to judge a photograph not intended to serve an evidentiary purpose based on the very thing it is not meant to be. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.