on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

The Impact of Photography on Impressionism

Many artists, including the Impressionists, also explored the use of photography, and many of the now celebrated photographers of the time had trained and often worked as artists. more


The Myth of Control

Whilst writing the article about the recent Peter Dombrovskis book, it quickly became clear that there were no real, definitive versions available for his pictures that could be used to say "This is what they were supposed to look like!". During his life, Peter created many famous images, but by far the most famous of these is "Rock Island Bend" and it has been printed for many purposes, from newspapers to magazines, diaries to calendars, posters, fine art prints, more


Personal Style

When I write about photography, I do so from my own perspective and based on my own experiences throughout my ongoing development. That journey will end when I do, and I believe strongly that my images will continue to change and develop as I age. If my photographs are a window to my soul, I would hope that in the future that window reveals a better version of myself than today. Surely that is what the journey of life more


The Making of Time

Telling the story so people can understand it and connect with it. So we've done a few events like that and selling the book at the end. They carry the story, not just a book. more


Humanising the Machine

I realise with some joy that the camera is with me. There is no doubt in my mind that now is the time to photograph, to alloy emotions to appearances, to distil the experience into visual journal entries more


Finding the forest when lost amongst the trees

In photography though that word implies the ability for artistic vision. The ability to isolate and focus on those visual elements that will be key to self expression. more


The Decaying Alps

The reality I saw was quite different, and yet perhaps no different to any other mountain landscape. Switzerland is a developed country, not a wilderness. Humanity’s presence is everywhere – even if landscape photography rarely embraces that presence to its full extent. more


Limestone Landscapes

One rock stands out, to me, as just that little bit different, that little bit special – limestone. Limestone has a story to tell like no other, a story that spans the vastness of geological time and yet one that continues on a scale more comprehensible to humans. more


Chalk Hills White Horses

A surprise to find the words when photographing the White Horses and Hill figures in Southern England. more


Beyond the Spectacular

Most photographers want to make images that are "better" and "different" than the rest. In other words, "extraordinary". But what does "extraordinary" mean? more


Pinhole Photography Follow Up

Following on from my previous article on pinhole photography I decided to create my own film pinhole photographs using a large format camera and a converted Copal 1. more


The Three-Dimensioned Life

As viewers, we may not care, but as creators, I believe that this should be of primary importance and consideration in our creative (and professional) choices. more


After the Fire

A black burned landscape with small dead animals. At first sight this probably does not sound like an attractive subject for a photo project. Nevertheless, when he heard from the wild fire in a national park close by, Theo Bosboom was curious enough to take a look. And he was glad he had taken his photo gear because what he found was dreary and gaunt, but at the same time very photogenic. The devastation On April 20, 2014, I saw  the more


Compositional Controversies

It would be irresponsible not to address these two ideas, Depth, and Flow in any series that aspires to illuminate photographic composition. These are certainly not Rules of Composition in the conventional sense. But are they Considerations? You bet. more


In Praise of Film Pinhole Photography

Film pinhole photography has been prominent in this recent resurgence; the lensless “look”, when recorded on film, has attracted many to this relatively cheap form of photography. more

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