10 years as a Professional Landscape Photographer
The anniversary is a great time to look back at the past period. What has changed? And what will the future bring? Although I am under no illusion of being complete, I would like to mention some developments in landscape photography that stand out for me. more
Artificial Art
The real question—the more troubling question by far–is not whether AI creations are or are not, will or will not be, considered as art, but what we stand to lose as human beings, in terms of human experience, by allowing for such creations to be considered as art. more
Bearing Witness
If we are looking for more meaningful and rewarding experiences and to make photos that are creative and self-expressive, then I would argue there may be times when the camera should never come out of the bag. more
Review of ‘22
Ansel Adams famously wrote that twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. Significant is obviously the key word here. I am the kind of person who feels Eeyore is dangerously over optimistic. So, hoping that I will make twelve notable images seems very ambitious. more
Your favourite images
In our end of year issue, Joe Cornish wrote about his favourite images of 2022 and we also asked our subscribers to send in their favourite images from 2022. We were overwhelmed by the response, with contributions from all corners of the world and almost 100 contributions. So in addition to David Ward's selection from 2022, we have a giant gallery from our subscribers below. Thank you so much for responding to our request, the images are amazing and we more
Camels, Lions, and Children
In his book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche described three “metamorphoses of the spirit”—stages of personal development that people may (if they choose) pursue if they wish to live their lives to the fullest, which, according to Nietzsche, means living according to one’s own values with the greatest degree of freedom. more
Favourite Images from 2022
Being asked to choose your favourite images of the year is a great opportunity to return to your picture files, remember some great times and experiences, and discover forgotten gems that might have been passed by in an earlier edit more
Winter’s Stillness
When it comes to photography, one of my favourite products of winter’s stillness is the ice that forms. What I love about ice is that you can find it almost anywhere, granted it gets cold enough. more
Natural Landscape Photography Awards 2022
The Natural Landscape Photography Awards are all wrapped up and I’m sitting here compiling the book to go with the 2022 results. I thought it would be interesting to recap on the process and show some of the winners and also some of my own personal favourites from our competition finalists. Going into the competition this year, we weren’t certain of its success. We had done so well in the first year but we knew that there were many people more
Project Based Working
A photo story also falls under photo projects, but a photo project does not always result in a photo story. You can also have a photo project with no real storyline or a story that is too limited to count as 'storytelling'. more
Attention and Creativity
Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalisation, concentration, of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others, and is a condition which has a real opposite in the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state more
Return to the Arctic
Although this has largely been a travelog so far, a reason to write this article has been to question my own justification to continue travelling, especially to the polar regions. more
Do you really need a philosophy for your photography?
Do you really need a philosophy for your photography? Clearly not! We take photos all the time for all sorts of reasons, sometimes thinking about our technique but almost always without thinking about any philosophical implications. more
Productivity, Trust and Sensibility
One day Claudio told me that to avoid disappointments, he avoided expectations in the first place. I didn’t know what to think about that, I was confused as a big part of me couldn’t grasp its entire meaning. more
Stones Unturned
Wait: isn't it a good thing to be curious? Have there not been studies stating that curiosity is necessary for creativity? Yes, there have been, and yes, curiosity is stated as a foundation for a more creative lifestyle. more