on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial

Winter’s Stillness

When it comes to photography, one of my favourite products of winter’s stillness is the ice that forms. What I love about ice is that you can find it almost anywhere, granted it gets cold enough. more


Natural Landscape Photography Awards 2022

The Natural Landscape Photography Awards are all wrapped up and I’m sitting here compiling the book to go with the 2022 results. I thought it would be interesting to recap on the process and show some of the winners and also some of my own personal favourites from our competition finalists. Going into the competition this year, we weren’t certain of its success. We had done so well in the first year but we knew that there were many people more


Project Based Working

A photo story also falls under photo projects, but a photo project does not always result in a photo story. You can also have a photo project with no real storyline or a story that is too limited to count as 'storytelling'. more

Restless Sleep

Attention and Creativity

Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalisation, concentration, of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others, and is a condition which has a real opposite in the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state more

Gnalodden Hornsund

Return to the Arctic

Although this has largely been a travelog so far, a reason to write this article has been to question my own justification to continue travelling, especially to the polar regions. more

Blurred Water, Gérine, Switzerland, 2022

Do you really need a philosophy for your photography?

Do you really need a philosophy for your photography? Clearly not! We take photos all the time for all sorts of reasons, sometimes thinking about our technique but almost always without thinking about any philosophical implications. more


Productivity, Trust and Sensibility

One day Claudio told me that to avoid disappointments, he avoided expectations in the first place. I didn’t know what to think about that, I was confused as a big part of me couldn’t grasp its entire meaning. more

Cody Schultz Last Light In The Cove

Stones Unturned

Wait: isn't it a good thing to be curious? Have there not been studies stating that curiosity is necessary for creativity? Yes, there have been, and yes, curiosity is stated as a foundation for a more creative lifestyle. more

Paradise Lost


This image was not particularly well received on social media or even among friends, but I found it riveting. What was it about? Ostensibly it was an image of a section of a stump of a tree, but that’s not what I saw when I looked at it. I never saw the root as wood but instead saw bone. more

Broken Rhythm

The Straight Handicap

Beware, straight photographers. Machines can now do what you do as well as, perhaps better than, you can. What will you do to keep yourselves—and photography—fresh and relevant? more

Mud Curls


I strive to take them out of their creative comfort zone to provide photographic challenges at unexpected, often anonymous, locations. I passionately believe that we only thrive and grow artistically if we’re challenged. more

Chris Murray Dsc5868 2

Pressing Restart

My thoughts turn to what it will take to move beyond this creative rut. I already know the answer, and it is this: just do the work. more

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Frans Lanting

I've always been drawn to different schools of interpreting a natural world outside of the boundaries of photography, whether it is rock art, whether it is painting schools ranging from impressionism to expressionism. more


A Sea of Wonder

An infinite scene stretches out before me; an open view of the horizon, where the glistening Pacific Ocean meets a clear, blue summer sky, only interrupted by the large, dark shapes of a few jagged sea stacks and the backlit spray of waves crashing against them. more

We Of The Desert

Take the Other

As I came to know the places Abbey wrote about, I also came to appreciate how well he expressed their intimate, personal significance, which may not be obvious or even relatable to those who don’t have this in-person familiarity. more

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