on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Editorial
The Low Drone 11

The Low Drone

In this article, I would like to zoom in on another, in my opinion much less widespread, application of the drone for landscape photography. This does not involve flying high - on the contrary. In this technique, the drone is used to create intimate landscapes more

Guy Tal Colour As Form 2

Colour as Form

Kodachrome, introduced in 1935, was the first colour film to be mass-marketed successfully. Although Kodachrome quickly became popular with hobbyists and commercial photographers, so-called “fine-art photographers” have initially shunned the use of colour, and many have expressed derisive views of colour photography. more

Ljz7811 Edit

Moving Day

But what about the photography? Has that been as satisfyingly enjoyable as the lifestyle? In a word? No. Mist is a thing of the past. more

Chris Murrary Dune Fatigue 8

Dune Fatigue

It's not to say many if not most of the images aren’t beautiful, they certainly are. But, it’s the worn out subject matter that has me tired and questioning. Why are so many photographers limiting themselves to such popular subject matter and places? more


Finding Calm

I’ve often been told that my images portray a sense of calm and maybe that’s a result of what I find rewarding in an image or what my eye is naturally drawn to. more

Samuel Fradley Winds Of Change 3178

Winds of Change

After Britain’s exit from the European Union, many have wondered what Britain’s place in the world is, what it should be and what it could become? more

Guy Tal Deed And The Glory 9

The Deed and the Glory

What I couldn’t know was how living as an artist, spending more time outdoors, investing more time in experiences and in pursuit of personal interests, and making do with less income, would change me as a person.  more

Cody Schultz Regarding Passion 2

Regarding Passion

It is the journey, not the destination, which is most important to the harmoniously passionate individual. Why else, for instance, would you wish to become a writer if you don't enjoy the act of dancing with words? more

Guy Tal Moments Of Grace

Moments of Grace

In a moment of grace, one does not necessarily feel compelled to any action—creative or other—but rather to appreciation, to satisfaction, to hope, and to acceptance. more

Lake Maggia Reflections

The Intimate Panorama

In landscapes with a horizon, a 6:17 view provides a broad sweep of a rather natural scan by the eye of the viewer, but it is not evident that this will also be suitable for landscape details. more

Accidental Infrared, 7 6 21

Art and Mental Health

The same can be said when we, as creatives, post a new piece of art online for the world to see. Though we may tell ourselves, initially, that it does not matter how many *likes* or comments we receive. when we don’t receive what we might expect or hope for, we may find ourselves wishing we had never posted the piece. more

Guy Tal The Art And The Artist 6

The Art and the Artist

There are many who live their lives as artists but earn a living in other professions (or perhaps are fortunate to not have to earn a living at all), and there are also many professional artists for whom art is primarily a means of earning income rather than an expression of an intensified life. more

21 Holler Iv, Foxbard Sep 27 2020


‘Potsherding’—that is, methodically plodding the newly ploughed sweetcorn fields of southeastern Massachusetts looking for indigenous people’s artefacts in the fresh furrows. more

Lintern Bkts 11

The Body Keeps the Score

The title of my miniature project comes from a book I found on my mum’s shelves as I cleared the house. more

Guy Tal Disinterestedness 2

Disinterested Interest

The quality that distinguishes aesthetic judgment from other forms of judgment, is what Kant referred to by a term that, to the misfortune of present-day English speakers, had been confusingly translated as, “disinterestedness.” more

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