on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: End Frame

End frame: Chongqing XI, Chongqing Municipality by Nadav Kander

An image I believe demonstrates many of these qualities and a favourite of mine is ‘Chongqing XI, Chongqing Municipality’ by Nadav Kander. It is part of his award-winning series ‘Yangtze, The Long River’. more


End frame: East Branch, Middle Brook, Somerset County, New Jersey by William Neill

There is the calm of autumn emphasised by the lack of movement in the water and in the trees, creating perfect reflections. It is quite meditative. more


End frame: Sea Mist, Iceland by Tim Rudman

Many excellent photographers have developed compelling bodies of work with Iceland as the sources of their inspiration. But the work I keep returning to is that of the master monochrome printer, Tim Rudman. more


End frame: Confluence by Jenifer Bunnett

At first glance, it seems that there is just a single white wave starting its return to the sea but then my eye is drawn deeper into the photograph where there are actually many layers.  more


End frame: School’s Out, Ballachulish by Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin rarely makes an image in black and white and does not normally include people. His photograph ‘School's Out’ is, therefore, a break in his usual style. more


End frame: Cedars and rock circle, Merced River, Yosemite National Park, California, 1986 by William Neill

It hints at something out of the natural order. Peaceful but somehow slightly unsettling. There are many of the usual components of a landscape photograph, trees and rocks and water but no foliage. more


End frame: Boreray, St Kilda by Scott Robertson

I have never been to the St Kilda archipelago, but thanks to Scott's enormous efforts I feel like I have. more


End frame: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (2009) ~ Sebastiao Salgado

You can feel the depth and breadth of the valley, its old age as if it were from time immemorial as if we were looking at the moment of the birth of our planet. more

Hans Strand, Late Autumn mist, Lake Trekanten, Sweden, November 2009

End Frame: Hans Strand, Late Autumn mist, Lake Trekanten, Sweden, November 2009

Lars-Åke Nygren chooses one Hans Strand's images, "Late Autumn mist, Lake Trekanten, Sweden" as our End Frame more


End frame: Kärrmark by Jan Tove

The chaos has become cosmos, order. But there is something unpleasant about the picture, the branches stick to me and the moody colour scale and the messy bushes force the viewer to choose whether it's beautiful or just scary. more


End Frame: Convergence, Iceland by Rafael Rojas

There is just enough space between the receding wave which mirrors the cliff exactly and the cliff to draw you through to explore the rest of the picture but always pulls you back to that point to start again..... Genius. more


End Frame: Mendenhall Glacier, 1973 by Brett Weston

This image was photographed in 1973, and the location is in coastal, South East Alaska. The glacier is 13.6 miles long and has retreated 1.75 miles since 1929. more


End Frame: “Calm, San Gimignano, Tuscany” by Charlie Waite

It exudes serenity, at one with the world; in fact, it is the epitome of mindfulness. more


End Frame: The flight of the Örn by Nils Strindberg

The image was taken by Nils Strindberg, a member of the Swedish 1897 An-drée Arctic expedition. more


End Frame: The Pond Moonrise by Edward Steichen

It was my "Marmite picture" in my teens. I had cut out a copy (obviously) from an article in Amateur Photographer, about Edward Steichen; part of a series on the history of Photography. more

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