on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: End Frame

End Frame: The Strangles by David Ward

When I received an email from On Landscape to write for the "End Frame" I was thrilled at first and then panicked. Panicked for two reasons/; Which photograph or artist to write about? There are so many I appreciate and adore. From Galen Rowel to Guy Tal. From Bruce Percy to Michael Kenna. From Ansel Adams to Jack Dykinga. Can I write anything at all, words worthy of the image? Firstly, I used Google to find images made by my more


End Frame: Souvenir d’un Futur #4 by Laurent Kronental

As with many people who write articles of this ilk, I don't think I can reduce the world of photography down to a single image. For a start outside the context of photo-journalism, I am not sure of the power of the single image. more


End Frame: Day 10 Wilderness Loons by Jim Brandenburg

My idea of a local project might mean the local park or even pond, but Brandenburg had the scope of the Boundary Waters, stretching to over a million acres!! more


End Frame: Chopped Tree, Nr Bradbourne, Derbyshire by Fay Godwin

Fay's image is a straight representation of the scene but the
 artistry is in how it's been composed and framed, it seems self contained as if there isn't anything outside that frame. more


End Frame: Dune before Sunrise, Egypt (2010) by Stephan Furnrohr

The image iIt’s taken around dawn; the photographer is facing north, the warm light from the east catches the right- hand side of the dunes, the west-facing slopes reflect the cool blue from the sky. more


End Frame: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA, 2009 by Sebastiao Salgado

Its effect is not unlike being punched extremely hard photographically in the face, whilst simultaneously enjoying a thorough and detailed conversation with your mind, your heart, and your soul. more


End frame: “Below South Crofty” by Jem Southam

For some this picture is a mysterious invocation of the spirit of place, and yet for others is little more than an undisciplined snapshot, barely worth consideration as a "landscape photograph" at all. more


End frame: Pale Shelter by Mark Littlejohn

Why am I drawn to it so much? I think the combination of the blizzard-like conditions, which produce a whiteout around the whole border of the image, added to the deep snow on the ground make for a truly beautiful winter scene. more


Endframe: Morning by Chris Friel

I feel like a bit of a cheat choosing this photograph as a couple a years ago I would not have looked at this sort of thing, never mind bought the book. more


Endframe: Gateway to the Moors II by Joe Cornish

I can still somehow remember the moment of engaging with this one in a quiet yet glowing contentment a few years ago. I don't really remember when and where precisely just the conscious engagement. more


Endframe: Sleepy Hollow – Epping Autumn two by Nigel Morton

Nigel's images just blew me away, across the board.  It wasn't just one single image, it was his entire Flickr portfolio that led to this visceral reaction, but in particular, Sleepy Hollow that really sucked me in. more


Endframe: “Sandhills Blizzard Cherry County, Nebraska” by Andrew L. Moore   

It is Summer here in New York, but I can feel the frost radiating cold from Andrew L. Moore’s photograph "Sandhills Blizzard" Cherry County, Nebraska 2013. more


Endframe: ‘Llanberis over Glyn Rhonwy’ by Richard Childs

I can’t now recall how or when I first became aware of this work but there are several reasons why it caught my eye then and has since become a firm favourite. more



Four Images from a recent trip to Harris And Lewis. more


Bepton Down

We moved to this area 7 years ago but only last year I became aware that there are wildflowers on ancient chalk downland on Bepton Down SSSI. more

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