on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: End Frame
Dungeon Canyon Eliott Porter

End frame: Dungeon Canyon, Glen Canyon by Eliot Porter

A collection of 80 images was first published in 1963 under the title “The Place No One Knew - Glen Canyon on the Colorado” as part of the Sierra Club’s Exhibit Format Series. more

Ostrava Blast Furnace Slag Fedor Gabčan

End Frame – Ostrava Blast Furnace Slag by Fedor Gabčan

The photo was taken in 1966 on an analog Pentacon six with Flektogon 50mm f4 lens and it captures the hot slag dump from nearby ironworks Karolina. Even the city centre was used for heavy industry and coal mining at that time. more

Seasonal Papyrophilia

End frame: Seasonal Papyrophilia by Krista McCuish

I started this article by saying that I like images that make me question what I am seeing and “Seasonal Papyrophilia” does exactly this. There are multiple layers and textures and quite unusual shades of pinkish purple and lime green. more

Mourne Mountains

End frame: Mountains of Mourne, County Down by Paul Wakefield

My own photography has changed in many ways since I picked up a camera again. A lot of this is down to studying Paul’s work, I don’t go out looking for the golden light anymore, I am much happier photographing on overcast days, shooting in diffused light, and making quieter images. more

Conception Rock Michaellundgren

End frame: Conception Rock by Michael Lundgren

In Michael Lundgren’s Conception Rock, two spherical shapes loom out of the darkness. While they appear large, the scale is not clear cut. At first glance, what they are or whether they even belong to this world or not is an open question. more

Hurley Photo Section

Endframe: East Cumberland Bay, November 13, 1914 by Frank Hurley

Since childhood I have been fascinated by the history of polar exploration, intrigued by the tales of adventure, the discovery of the unknown and the mortal dangers faced in the most hostile and remote landscapes on earth. Among the heroic tales of polar discovery, there are none to compete with the plight of the ill-fated 1914 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton in his bid to be the first to lead a team across the Antarctic Continent: a more

Paul Wakefield

End frame: Iceberg, Fjallsarlon, Iceland by Paul Wakefield

I said at the beginning that this is an image that remains very clearly in my head, and this, in our current world of visual overload, of itself says all that needs to be said about the impact this image has had on me. more

Dukan Lake, 1974

End frame: Dukan Lake, 1974 Kurdistan Region, Iraq by Bruno Barbey

I found it in a bookshop in 1998 even though I was broke I bought it, love at first sight.  I realise that this book has deeply influenced me. I can almost see a little bit of my photography in every photograph in the book, inspiring me and moving me. more

Puglia, Italy (1978) Franco Fontana

End frame: Puglia 1978 by Franco Fontana

I think we can learn from him that great photographs don’t have to be of spectacular, iconic places. There are interesting images to be made all around us; we just have to look harder, and pursue what resonates with our own personality, curiosity, and imagination to find our own voice. more

Rydal Water Paul Sanders

End Frame: Rydal Water by Paul Sanders

His image of Rydal Water is packed with exquisite imagery and a myriad of emotions. more

Hoarusib Cracks

Endframe: Hoarusib River Bed by David Ward

It was 2017, for months and months I had seen the occasional “elephant passing through our camp” snapshot. But there had been no sign of any of David Ward’s heart stopping, beautiful, keep you looking over and over again pictures. Then this appeared. Perhaps cool water to a parched throat, but pwhooar! I am not even sure if it is the first one he posted after a couple of years during which he left both camera and social media pretty much more

Paul Kenny Full Moon Over Mayo 2001

Endframe: Full Moon over Mayo by Paul Kenny

At Ballinglen, he had easy access to the coast and the sea and Full Moon over Mayo is one of the very first of his Seaworks series that was eventually published as the book Seaworks 1998-2013 published by Triplekite Publishing in 2014. more

Ben Horne Secluded

End frame: Secluded by Ben Horne

I have a tendency towards that slippery slope of becoming disillusioned through comparison, so one photographer whose work I find immensely inspiring and refreshing is Ben Horne. more

Headland Ranken 2048

End frame: Headland by Jackie Ranken

There is movement here as well, lovely shallow curves of the headland that might continue up and around to the top left. Where are they taking us? Another beach, more sandy shore, water, or not? more

Endframe Lighthouse

End frame: South Stack Lighthouse, Holy Island, Anglesey 1978, Denis Thorpe

Still photographing in his late eighties from his home in Stockport, England, Denis Thorpe’s landscape images demonstrate the power that derives from locating them within the context of a broad range of other photographic genres. more

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