on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Exhibition/Gallery Reviews
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In a Different Light

In the dark, on your own, in the dead of night, trying to transform the darkness into light. Trying to become sensitised again, to my imagery, to the landscape. more

Dan Harnett Goldfish

Rhythm Of The Unseen

Rhythm Of The Unseen is a celebration of photographic expressionism and is the third exhibition by participants of the inaugural Abstract Rhythm and Blue Notes programme. more

Iveta Lazdina Small Pleasures.jpg Iveta Is Influenced As An Artist By The Places She Visits And The Emotions The Experience Evokes. She Works In Combination With Icm And Layering

Abstract Rhythm and Blue Notes

The Abstract Rhythm And Blue Notes Exhibition at the Horsebridge Arts Centre is a celebration of photo expressionism taking place in Whitstable, Kent, from 16-28th November 2022. more

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A Sense of Place

Our photographs are the legacy we leave for future generations, so they can see and feel our way of life, our social and economic fabric and the deep connection we as individuals experience. more

Ted Leeming.road To Nowhere

Only When I Dream

Only When I Dream is a group exhibition curated by Beth Taubner and Andrew Coningsby, opening August 30, 2022, at the Coningsby Gallery in Fitzrovia, London. more

A Look Of Innocence | Sb

Woodland Sanctuary Exhibition by Joe Cornish and Simon Baxter

Woodland Sanctuary is a joint exhibition between photographers Simon Baxter and Joe Cornish. The work was gathered over the last five years, all of it within the North York Moors National Park. more

Looker Exhibit 17

Watchers of the Forest

Looker Watchers of the Forest' is the first land art exhibition of its kind to be displayed along the major oak trail at the Sherwood Forest National nature reserve more

Seaworks Paul Kenny 4

10 Years of Seaworks

The exhibition is entitled ‘Ten Years of Seaworks’ and the pictures on display were made between 2008 to 2018. more

Machine Gun Emplacement Rye Harbour

Marks of Conflict

A new solo exhibition of photographs, by photographer Paul Burgess ARPS, exploring how conflicts over the centuries have marked the landscape. more

Contemplation Ingrid Popplewell Resized

RPS Landscape Group Exhibition

The Landscape Group of the RPS have launched an outdoor exhibition across several cities for 2022. Having just opened in Edinburgh and running until 18th June, the event will move next to York, then south and finally moving towards London in the autumn. more


Photographic Projects

The idea of photographic projects, bodies of work that are related through geography, subject matter or ideas, have been promoted by most photography practitioners as a way of developing your vision and making your work more meaningful. more

1 Photograph Of The Year, Winner

Natural Landscape Photography Awards

I’ve tried to keep news about the Natural Landscape Photography Awards to a minimum as, although it has taken up a lot of my bandwidth, continuous updates would soon get boring I imagine. However, it’s over! (well the “awards” part of it anyway). Just over a week ago, we announced the winners and runners up of all of the categories and also a few extra awards, which I’ll come onto in a bit. We are all incredibly happy with more


Light and Dark

A joint exhibition of landscape photographs by Alistair Young and mixed media art by Sally McDonald, two Isle of Skye artists who have a deep connection and love for the wild landscapes of the northwest Highlands. more


Silver Light

The exhibition "Silver Light" at Taunus Foto Galerie in Bad Homburg, Germany, shows the work of four photographers, who have in common their dedication to old-fashioned, handmade, non-digital, monochrome photography and prints more



"Quiet",  Margaret Soraya’s solo exhibition opens at the Taunus Gallery in Frankfurt on Saturday 31st Oct and runs through until January 2021. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.