on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Featured Photographer

Roger Voller

For a few, photography may be about gear and technique; for many, it is an escape from day to day responsibility and the experience is as important as the resultant images; but increasingly its importance is as an outlet for our frustrated creativity. more


Ellie Davies

It’s hard to describe your own work, but for me, it’s landscape because it’s about the natural world and my relationship with it and looking at our relationship with the places that we live and visit in the wider sense. more


Jan Bainar

The Odra Basin lies in the centre of the most densely populated region of the Czech Republic and no other photographer before me pursued the idea of shooting there regularly. more


Alex Winser

Alex credits his interest in photography to a love of nature which inspired him to buy a camera and explore the world of macro photography. more


Carla Regler

Living in such a close community with the locals and fishermen they often tell you stories and the stories are often how big the waves were, and sometimes it’s hard to believe. more


Nick Livesey

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that spending time in the mountains whether walking, climbing or taking photographs is my life. It’s been that way for the last 15 years and aside from family and friends they are my greatest source of joy, solace and inspiration. more


Rohan Reilly

There is an almost architectural approach to Rohan Reilly’s long exposure black and white images – from the way in which he carries out his preliminary appraisal, to execution and processing with the final image quite often a vertorama of three images using tilt shift lenses. more


Julia Fuchs

There’s a sense of energy to her images, which mix intentional camera movement and multiple exposure. They’re often based around fairly simple landscapes but usually feature some gilded light or texture that lifts them beyond simply being blurry. more


Mat Robinson

The challenge of trying to distill a 3D scene into a 2D photograph while still retaining the feel and beauty of a place is one that keeps me, at least, very much more present in the moment than I might otherwise be. more


Michael Gibbs

Trees and woods are a perennial favourite for many photographers, offering plenty of scope for personal interpretations. Michael’s images hint at their mystery but also tease with paint like flecks of colour and light. more


Dylan Nardini

I love experiencing my surroundings and observing light in its many forms and this for me is what landscape photography allows me to do and hence why I love it. more


Sandra Bartocha

It’s taken a little while to do so as Sandra has been busy bringing to completion Lys - An intimate Journey to the North, her joint project with Werner Bollmann, but I think you will agree that it has been worth the wait. more


Matt Lethbridge

This issue we're chatting to someone who has only recently given landscape photography a concerted effort (his oldest photo on Flickr is from 2014) but he's done pretty well in that short period of time. more


Alan Ranger

I saw Alan Ranger's blog post about photographic journeys and his own personal journey that culminated with some one to one tuition with David Ward and wanted to find out a little more about him. more


Darren Ciolli Leach

He says on his website that as a visual person he finds it difficult to express in words what taking photographs means to him, but he kindly agreed to give it a go for On Landscape. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.