on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Featured Photographer
Undulations 10

Xuan-Hui Ng

Xuan-Hui Ng began photographing as a form of self-therapy while she was grieving the loss of her mother. Spending time in nature gave her a sense of perspective and reignited a sense of wonder, reminding her that there is much to live for. more

Oils Reflections Zion Utah

Joseph Rossbach

He made the decision to commit to nature photography relatively early, and we talk about how he has made a career of it. more

Riverscape Passage Kristel Schneider

Kristel Schneider

After VARIATIONS IN TREES, I was excited to explore a new subject. Strangely enough, my next project was right beside me the entire time, patiently waiting to be discovered. more

Umbundini Abbey Looking Toward Fangs Pass

Carl Smorenburg

The Drakensberg is a massive mountain range stretching some 1200km on the eastern side of South Africa. It’s not like a normal mountain rage where you go up one side and come down the other. more


David Southern

The more I explore the intertidal zones, the more I’ve become fascinated by the beauty of seaweeds that thrive in this environment. more


Brent Clark

Some qualities I find admirable in my favourite artists are: confidence, attention to detail, clean and intentional composition, colour/tonal balance, creativity, deep feelings, a close relationship with their local nature, work ethic, morality, intrinsic motivation, community-building, and storytelling. more


Misaki Nagao

I was also very proud that my photos of the forests in Japan were recognised. It is not that I shot the photos to win an award, but I am happy that the light, trees, and textures that I think are good caught the eyes of prestigious photographers. more

Isabel Díez 14

Isabel Díez

Water has been present in my photographic work from the beginning, but it is becoming increasingly important. Fluidity gives me peace. more

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Mary Frances

Photography has made my life much richer in many ways. I am appreciating more than ever the interest to be found in what may seem at first to be dull and empty places. more


Andrea Celli

A childhood spent among the Beech forests of the Casentino Forests left an indelible mark on me. My memories sink into summers spent with my grandparents in these beautiful places and formed my spirit. more

Justin Pumfrey Gps21

Justin Pumfrey

Throughout my work life, projects have arisen naturally and are, as I look back at them, expressions of where I was as I human being in the different periods of my life. more

Sunlit Nolina

Sigfrido Zimmermann

I find joy in sharing my knowledge of biology with my audience and especially when I’m able to do that through my photographs. I like to bring awareness to organisms or ecological processes that my audience might not have known about. more

Milton, 2021

Michael Faint

The light is utterly absorbing, especially the late evening light of autumn and spring, and never ceases to amaze. In recognition, I titled my website An Solas Òir, ‘The Golden Light’ in Gaelic. more

•featured The Torment Of Mrs Chisholm Glen Cannich

Somhairle MacDonald

I wouldn’t say I am primarily any one thing. All aspects of expression interest me and I would like to be able to explore as many mediums and processes as possible. For me, drawing distinctions between genre, style and medium is degenerative and prohibitive. more

Voodoo Tree

Jeff Freestone

The glitz and glamour of the corporate world and the lure of making the big bucks had me hook, line and sinker. I had given up completely on my passion and doing what I loved in exchange for status, an identity and the pursuit of money, which would ultimately make me happy… I thought. more

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