on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Featured Photographer
Tidal Traces #12

Marianthi Lainas

The transient nature of the littoral landscape is endlessly fascinating, as is such a dynamic environment. These coastal edge lands have been the focus of her new project, 'Sea Signatures'. more


Arild Heitmann

“Heime” was my statement as an artist and looking back it feels like it shows my development as a photographer perfectly. It contains images both from the past and from the present day, all weaved together. more

The Chamber

Mark Davis

Photography has played an instrumental role in dealing with experiences over my 23 years of active military service and multiple deployments. I have seen the worst of humanity and the best of humanity, sometimes within the same moments. more

24102020 Picosdaeuropa 4602

Luis Afonso

I prefer to photograph in places that mean something to me, places I can have a relationship with, places I can return to over and over. more

5 Cloudpiercer Ii

Mário Cunha

Looking at the map and after doing some research, the only place that fit my requirements was Peneda-Gerês National Park, particularly Gerês mountain range. more

4. Metamorphosis, 1

Gin Rimmington Jones

Perhaps encountering landscape with what you feel and sense rather than what you think and remember, will open up a deeper engagement with land as a space of interconnections, of co-existence and infinite wonder; a place of revelation and encounter. more

Smokey Waters Copy

Paula Pink

In the last couple of years, she has been experimenting with alternative photographic processes. The latter, most notably cyanotypes, have become popular recently. more

12 Bridalveil Fall With Pine Tree, Yosemite National Park

Steve Alterman

This time last year we were just receiving the first submissions for our Natural Landscape awards and one of those was from Steve Alterman. Later, after many rounds of judging and verifying images, his exquisite photograph of a pseudo mountain on a midnight black sandy beach won first place in the competition more

Ms88223 Redigera

Mattias Sjölund

I live close to Stockholm, at a glance in the middle somewhere but actually 17 hours on a train from Abisko in the far north and 6 hours south to the middle of Sweden. more

Release 2048

Michael Bollino

I feel there were a series of small events punctuated by a few big moments that all worked together to shape my life into something new and unexpected. All of them involved either being in nature or challenging myself in the natural world. more

Pellucid: From A Memory Of Water (series)

Michela Griffith

I’ve come to realise that you can’t force things. It’s been a big change, and not all of the reasons that I had for doing things previously are still applicable more


Helmut Pilo

It must have been frustrating to have begun to explore the grand landscapes of the North only to have travel restricted by the pandemic, yet 2021 turns out to have had a silver lining and gave him the opportunity to spend more time on his photography. more


Szabó Zsolt András

My favourite locations are remote and not easily accessed; for me, it was always crucial to not have any human traces in the landscape I photograph. For me the essence of landscape photography is to discover, to take on challenges, to be part of adventures. more

Julien Fumard France 028

Julien Fumard

Before travelling I had all sorts of preconceived ideas on many topics. You know, having an unlimited access to culture can sometimes make you feel like you know a lot of things but in the end, you don’t really know anything until you live it. more

Huibohou Onlandscape 12

Huibo Hou

don’t intentionally chase excitement or thrill from doing landscape photography, although I certainly enjoy those moments when they show up! Quite the opposite, I am doing landscape photography because it lets me slow down and I can take my time to observe, discover, and create. more

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