on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Featured Photographer
David Lintern 7598

David Lintern

Some of you may remember David’s name in the context of the campaign against the planning application for run-of-river hydro developments within the designated wildland areas of Glen Etive in 2020. As well as writing, David photographs, teaches and yes, campaigns, on other matters too. It would be easy to think that passionate advocacy for nature stems from early exposure to it, but in David’s case, this was limited. That’s clearly no longer so, and as more


Joel Truckenbrod

That quality of silence is probably the single most important element I find within the landscape, and often one of the most difficult to effectively communicate. Perhaps that valuation is a reaction to living in a busy world, which is seemingly always filled with noise and distraction? more

Desert Dots, Death Valley National Park, California. Mud cracks with circular impressions create a fun abstract pattern on the desert floor.

Jennifer Renwick

The inspiration behind my imagery comes from my curiosity about the natural world and what Nature shows me when I am exploring and photographing. more


Ellen Borggreve

There is something about the forest that just moves me more than any other landscape. It is not open and vast like many other landscapes, but sheltered, intimate, mysterious and magical at the same time. more


Peter Heaton

From ‘Dark Landscapes’ to the complexities of layered visuals, drawings and text - and sound - Peter shares with the viewer his home ground of North Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Wolds, some of the thoughts and emotions attached to being in the landscape, as well as his concerns for our environment. more


Finn Hopson

The South Downs is still where I spend most of my time with a camera. I’ve been photographing this area for about eleven years now, but if 2020 has taught me anything it’s that there is still so much to discover on my doorstep. more


Ali Shokri

I never changed my vision, I strengthened it to look differently at the trees. They are not created just for fruits, they have another message. They have feelings, they live just like us. more

Fractured Granite, Reflection

G Dan Mitchell

It was probably over a decade ago, more like 15 years I imagine, when I first saw Dan's photographs. I think it may have been on Fred Miranda or possibly via a blog circle. more


Kevin Krautgartner

For the ultimate in abstracts, take to the air. From the glacial rivers in Iceland that we have become familiar with to the landscapes of Australia, Kevin Krautgartner’s images show that there is plenty to find and enjoy at a larger scale. more

margaret- soraya-landscape-photographer-2

Margaret Soraya

My affinity with Scotland is deep, and I feel that relationship is important. There is something powerful about photographing a place that means something to you. more


Luke Brown

I was interested in discovering man’s influence over the landscape, up until the very edges of our coastline, wanting to highlight the conflict between the natural and man-made environment. more

Peter Eastway - RaggedRangeWA

Peter Eastway

Sometimes it’s good to swap sides of the desk and for this issue, we are interviewing Peter Eastway, who among many other things is Editor and Publisher of Better Photography Magazine. more


Alexandre Deschaumes

Alexandre describes his photographic beginnings as coming from within as much as without, a means of expression which complements his passion for music and shares its improvisation. more


Dara McGrath

Dara’s documentary series ‘Project Cleansweep’ takes its name from a 2011 Ministry of Defence report on the risk of residual contamination at 14 UK sites used in the manufacture, storage and disposal of chemical and biological weapons. more


Oleg Ershov

We have Guest Editor Joe Cornish to thank for pointing us in the direction of Russian photographer Oleg Ershov. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.