on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Fieldcraft

Opportunity Cost

It’s about being consciously in control of the choices you are making and not being driven by auto-pilot. It’s about being aware of the trade offs and knowing what it is you want to take photographs of. If more


Multiple Exposure Photography

Multiple exposure photography is nothing new. Examples can be traced back to the very beginnings of photography more


Getting to know Hue…

5Dmk2 using hue shifts in the greens and reds more


Depth of Field

Introduction Being able to get your picture sharp where you want it to be is one of the key aspects of a landscape photographers craft. It is also one where there is a lot of misinformation and confusion. We hope to provide a brief overview of the different techniques accomplish this goal and to make this the start of a series of articles where we will dive into each technique in greater detail. Depth of Field There are hundreds of web more


What’s the Shift in Tilt / Shift?

The first thing most people learn about creating pictures with ‘correct’ verticals is that the camera shouldn’t be pointed up or down but straight ahead. more


Dealing with Cold Weather

The following are a compilation of notes made during phone calls, emails and general conversation made over the last week. We start with the man who has arguably been out photographing in Britains coldest ever weather - a minus 29 degrees in Moray last year. more


Ad-hoc Reverse ND Graduated Filters

With a few different combinations, we can create hard strip filters and reverse grads of various powers. more


Shooting into the Sun

Today, modern cameras make a mockery of the exposure problems facing our photographic forebears. Nevertheless, shooting into the light still brings with it a multitude of problems. more

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