Issue 192 PDF
Click here to download issue 192 (high quality, 101Mb) Click here to download issue 192 (smaller download, 65Mb) more

End frame: Torridonian Sandstone by Alex Nail
For me, it represents the darker and more foreboding side of Scotland and perhaps one which I should embrace more when I encounter it, rather than just purely seeking those wow moment – just one reason I have moved up here. more

Beyond Equivalence
The Equivalent is one of those ideas that in practice grows by the efforts and accomplishments of the people who explore it. ~ Minor White more

The landscapes I capture on the remote Scottish Islands are a reflection of solo time in nature, being still and embracing quiet . more

Graeme Green
A great landscape photo should have some kind of emotional power and get a response from the person looking at it, rather than just being a representation of a location. more

Dingle Peninsula
My friends are passionate photographers, primarily landscapers, yet with differing photographic interests and different ways of seeing and making images. more

The Uninvited Guest
The guest we carry around with us is fear; fear of failure, of not fitting in, of not living up to our expectations, the vision of our perfect self, doubting ourselves, even when in our own minds we are clear as crystal. more

An exhibition by the Society of Scottish Landscape Photographers which consists entirely of black and white images, based on a mix of traditional landscapes and images with a more ‘creative’ edge. more