Issue 233 PDF
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End frame: Toward Los Angeles, CA by Dorothea Lange
During a year like this, when the pandemic is giving us millions of souls to weep for as well as to remember, the imperative is to build our future by studying the past. Awareness of the past is the sharpest weapon we have in determining our future. more

Back in the autumn, I saw a Facebook post by Jon about his new book 'Whispers' and we ordered a copy. Time got the better of me but I eventually got around to enjoying the book back in spring 2021. It had been a number of years since we interviewed Jon as our featured photographer, so I got in touch and started chatting about what he'd be up to and how the project came about. We interviewed you back more

Drawn to Rock
This small exhibition answers the request for an artistic response to the unique landscape of Brimham Rocks. The goal was to combine traditional photographic working methods with something more deliberately experimental. more

Ellen Borggreve
There is something about the forest that just moves me more than any other landscape. It is not open and vast like many other landscapes, but sheltered, intimate, mysterious and magical at the same time. more

Rabbit Warren Woods
To the pure of heart, lockdown was a chance to grow, be it spiritually, physically, and educationally. Unfortunately, I’m not pure of heart and lockdown continues to be difficult. Rabbit Warren Woods, a small pocket of trees close to home gave me a place to reclaim positivity. I’m not naturally introverted, and normally my moments of isolation are when I choose to be on my own, usually in the hills, often camping, these are times of reflection and times of more

A Journey into Abstraction
Can we as landscape photographers take images devoid of an understanding of the history and significance of a given place? more