Issue 234 PDF
Click here to download issue 234 (high quality, 123Mb) Click here to download issue 234 (smaller download, 62Mb) more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: David Travis, Dipak Chowdhury, Goran Prvulovic & Ian Meades more

End frame: First in the Series of ‘Oracles’ by David Parker
I love this photograph because it is so mysterious. What is happening? Is it real? Is the water falling or rising, magically suspended or turned to ice? more

Ideas Behind Reality in Photography
For me, the overriding approach is that I want to make sure I express authentic experience. The feelings I want to express in my work are true to my own experience, and my experience is to a large degree influenced by the reality I work in—the beauty and complexity of natural places. more

Silver Light
The exhibition "Silver Light" at Taunus Foto Galerie in Bad Homburg, Germany, shows the work of four photographers, who have in common their dedication to old-fashioned, handmade, non-digital, monochrome photography and prints more

Tara Workman – Portrait of a Photographer
I am also impressed with her bravery in pursuing and sharing images where the subject may be out of focus or where no compositional rules are followed. more

Jennifer Renwick
The inspiration behind my imagery comes from my curiosity about the natural world and what Nature shows me when I am exploring and photographing. more

Maxwell Lake
I tend to look for more remote places than Maxwell Lake and there are plenty near Boulder, but I keep finding more and more to captivate me at this little lake and It’s not even a quarter of a mile around. more