Issue 236 PDF
Click here to download issue 236 (high quality, 157Mb) Click here to download issue 236 (smaller download, 95Mb) more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Ian Scholey, John Higgs, Kevin Nelson & Steve Forden. more

Ideas Behind Reality in Photography
It’s important to highlight that deception involves intent. Tools and techniques don’t have intents, people do. Deception is not about whether someone applied some tool or technique, it’s about whether someone used a tool or technique specifically intending to deceive others. more

Brent Doerzman – Portrait of a Photographer
He’s an absolute master at determining what to include or exclude in the frame, which is in my opinion one of the most challenging things a landscape photographer must learn to do. more

States of Grace
My work is rooted in the serenity I find in the sinuous elegance of organic forms. I photograph intuitively, guided by what I feel as much as what I see. more

David Lintern
Some of you may remember David’s name in the context of the campaign against the planning application for run-of-river hydro developments within the designated wildland areas of Glen Etive in 2020. As well as writing, David photographs, teaches and yes, campaigns, on other matters too. It would be easy to think that passionate advocacy for nature stems from early exposure to it, but in David’s case, this was limited. That’s clearly no longer so, and as more

On Creativity
Creative photography for me means: to look, feel, engage, let the photo grow inside of me, let the photo tell me what it wants to be. more