Issue 248
Click here to download issue 248 (high quality, 171Mb) Click here to download issue 248 (smaller download, 94Mb) more

Endframe: Hoarusib River Bed by David Ward
It was 2017, for months and months I had seen the occasional “elephant passing through our camp” snapshot. But there had been no sign of any of David Ward’s heart stopping, beautiful, keep you looking over and over again pictures. Then this appeared. Perhaps cool water to a parched throat, but pwhooar! I am not even sure if it is the first one he posted after a couple of years during which he left both camera and social media pretty much more

Book Reviews
Arild Heitmann - Heime Arild Heitmann’s portfolio is not short of the sublime images that many photographers aim for (but mostly miss). He has many photographs drawn from trips to the mountains of Italy or Iceland or of the iconic Arctic hotspots of Lofoten or Sejna. But it’s the photographs he takes from his backyard on the mainland of Arctic Norway, a literal hinterland, that are the subject of his more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Welcome to our 4x4 feature which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted from our subscribers: Andy Gawthrope, George Bull, Subham Shome & Tom Zimberoff more

The Art and the Artist
There are many who live their lives as artists but earn a living in other professions (or perhaps are fortunate to not have to earn a living at all), and there are also many professional artists for whom art is primarily a means of earning income rather than an expression of an intensified life. more

Letter To The Lakes
Despite the fact they stand out like a sore thumb, tall, upright and red, there was something about them nestled into such a bucolic setting that I found quite romantic. more

Elvis Dallie
We each have our own individual sense of direction: one person walks past it and the other sees something beautiful in it. It is also a matter of feeling and different taste. I go purely on my gut feeling; what speaks to my heart. more

Sarah Marino – Portrait of a Photographer
Truth be told, I personally think Sarah is one of the most talented and inspirational nature and landscape photographers of our time, not only for her masterful images but also her philosophical mindsets which are foundational to her photo-making approach and her success in making wonderful and unique images. more

‘Potsherding’—that is, methodically plodding the newly ploughed sweetcorn fields of southeastern Massachusetts looking for indigenous people’s artefacts in the fresh furrows. more