Issue 249
Click here to download issue 249 (high quality, 150Mb) Click here to download issue 249 (smaller download, 91Mb) more

End Frame: Rydal Water by Paul Sanders
His image of Rydal Water is packed with exquisite imagery and a myriad of emotions. more

Joe and Tim Droning On About …
This conversation between myself (Joe Cornish) and Tim Parkin was one where we hoped to explore the arrival of the drone in landscape photography and try to understand its impact. Tim is an occasional drone pilot, Joe has never even touched one. more

Alex Hartley
During my BA, partly due to space constraints, I started making sculptures solely to be photographed, so the end product was a black and white photograph and the sculpture would be destroyed or dismantled once the image was made. more

Art and Mental Health
The same can be said when we, as creatives, post a new piece of art online for the world to see. Though we may tell ourselves, initially, that it does not matter how many *likes* or comments we receive. when we don’t receive what we might expect or hope for, we may find ourselves wishing we had never posted the piece. more

Upper Loch Torridon
Torridon is a well known area of North West Scotland that for many embodies what the Highlands are about. It is wild, rugged, quite remote and has stood from ancient times withstanding all that the Atlantic weather can throw at it. more

The Colour of Silence
The goal of the book is to show both the distilled essences of nature and to deliver it to people directly. Demonstrating that our natural flora and fauna are one-of-a-kind gems that require people's active engagement with. more