on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 27

Working in a Different Field

To become a good teacher of photography you have to find a way of explaining that procedure, looking at your own work or by critical analysis of another's more


Interview with Andrew Nadolski

Andrew Nadolski’s ‘End of the Land’ represented a watershed for many photographers in its discovery of a unique beauty in a small beach in Cornwall... more


Photography and the Creative Life

To me, photography was an extension of my love for the wild; a means of capturing, documenting and sharing the things I’ve seen and the places I’ve been... more


Forget About the Forecast!

Making the most of the conditions that you are given is part and parcel of landscape photography and it’s something I am only now coming to recognise. more


The Art of Discovery

I've always been in love with the outdoors and fell in love with photographing it. I made a plan to escape the repetitious nature of a teaching timetable. more


Does Dark Matter?

It has come to my attention over the last few years that many landscape photographers have begun to shun a very good friend of mine – the black pixel. more

Bringing natural balance to your images 1

Balancing Light

Paul Moon’s article about the inclusion of areas of black in an image got me thinking about a pet peeve of mine - the balance of light in a picture. more

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