Issue 275
Click here to download issue 275 (high quality, 100Mb) Click here to download issue 275 (smaller download, 55Mb) more

End frame: “Sand Patterns, Laig Bay” by Hugh Milsom
The photograph I have chosen from the book does another thing, though, important to my own ‘work’. I really like mirroring of features of a landscape in clouds above, the sea below, or in this case, the surf below the landscape. These things are, of course, part of the landscape we look at but are not always used constructively. more

Moon Connection
Landscape and our closest celestial body – photography paths leading through cultural meaning and Cartesian geometry. more

4×4 Portfolios
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted by Graham Meek, Konrad Hellfeuer, Milan Gonda & Peter Conway. more

Astrid Preisz
Nothing in this world is the same twice, and I began to realise that my images could be what they needed to be, and that they followed who I was at a particular moment in a particular place and time. Inwardly, I stopped more and more calling myself a landscape photographer or a nature photographer or even a photographer or an artist. more

Gifts of the Well and the Field
The Well and The Field can bring many such gifts. Both these ways of taking on photography have opportunities for artistic growth. While the beauty of The Well is depth and transformation within constraints, the beauty of The Field is inspiration and freedom without boundaries. more

Hans Gunnar Aslaksen – Portrait of a Photographer
I first became aware of Hans’ work because he submitted it to the Natural Landscape Photography Awards last year, where he earned a top 10 finish for his overall portfolio. more

Discovering Purpose
I wish to highlight how I have begun to find my own purpose, namely through turning moments of pain into something worthwhile, something which I - and perhaps others - may learn from. more