Issue 289
Click here to download issue 289 (high quality, 134Mb) Click here to download issue 289 (smaller download, 92Mb) more

End frame: Cherokee Autumn Forest by Christopher Burkett
Burkett masterfully arranges the colourful leaves and contrasting lines of the tree trunks and branches, evoking the harmony rather than the chaos that often exists in nature. more

4×4 Landscape Portfolio
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted by: Emilie Crittin, Gaby Zak, Robert Hecht & Sanjeev Kumar Yadav. more

This Pleasant Land, New Photography of the British Landscape – Book Review
I’ve talked previously about a schism in landscape photography between the ‘traditional’ and the ‘contemporary’. The difference between the search for the beautiful and wild and the pseudo-documentary ... more

Shan Shui in Silva Elmete
Shanshui Hua (山水画) is an ancient (11th Century) style of traditional Chinese landscape painting that depicts natural scenes, including mountains, water & waterfalls. more

Kristel Schneider
After VARIATIONS IN TREES, I was excited to explore a new subject. Strangely enough, my next project was right beside me the entire time, patiently waiting to be discovered. more

The series LS XII, shot in the Puna plateau between Argentina and Bolivia, came together as many things in life: a compromise. I use a 4x4 to travel around; while on a project more

Even the birds were afraid to fly
The 'birds' work started before the pandemic, then continued during (albeit in a limited fashion). While the world was starved of human contact, I honestly didn't find that aspect of it difficult. more