on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 29

The Outdoor Show

Enjoying landscape photography often requires that we have the right gear for walking and also, if we want to spend some time in the landscape, the gear for camping too. The Outdoor Show, now in it’s 11th year, obviously realise this as they now have a dedicated ‘Photography Village’ where there are a few exhibitors and some great speakers lined up. For instance, we’ve talked about cold weather shooting but more


Web Design with WordPress

We started our series on web design recently and it’s about time we continued. We’re going to take a look at something that a lot of people have been asking recently and that is ‘Wordpress for photographers websites’. I've been developing websites since 1994 (my first was a website to coordinate a collaborative research project I worked on whilst working at Manchester University) and over the last decade have incubated, grown and sold an Internet marketing and development consultancy. more


Curves for Saturation and Contrast

We’ve talked previously about curves of various sorts and how to manipulate contrast and we also touched on the relationship between curves and saturation. more


Why do People Photograph?

“Why do we make photographs?” Such a simple yet quite a big question and one that few of us have a fully conscious understanding of... more


A Ramble in Wales

Landscape photographers are fascinated by a great diversity of subjects. Some are attracted to the sanctity of wilderness, others to graphic patterns... more


More ‘Books from Beyond Words’

This week we're featuring two books from Beyond Words, Sam Abell's 'Seeing Gardens' and Peter Niedermeyer's 'Appearances'. Seeing Gardens - Sam Abell Sam Abell (http://samabell-thephotographiclife.com/) is part artist/part journalist. His work for the National Geographic puts him firmly in the documentary camp and yet his photographs always seem to push to the creative interpretation, that momentary vision of something other than it is. The front cover of this book, Seeing Gardens, is a great example - a simple glance through a more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.