Issue 290
Click here to download issue 290 (high quality, 150Mb) Click here to download issue 290 (smaller download, 73Mb) more

End frame: 2.56pm, 1st January 2018 by Chris Harrison
The photograph (a single image) is the view through a very damp and smeary window on the top of a double decker bus. I think anyone who has spent time on a fuggy bus journey on a wet winter day can relate to the condensation dripping down the windows and the blurry view of slow traffic and wet people scurrying around below. more

Never Again
Don’t allow for this coming fall—or any season for that matter—to just go by ever again. Take a closer look at the leaves all over the ground. Stop and smell the fragrance of damp earth and decaying foliage. more

Joseph Rossbach
He made the decision to commit to nature photography relatively early, and we talk about how he has made a career of it. more

Flux: Celebrating the Complexities of Yorkshire Woodland
‘Flux’ is the first exhibition by Geraint Evans. It aims to raise funds for the Leeds Hospital Charity, the fundraising arm of the Leeds Cancer Centre. more

On the Artist’s Selfishness
Being selfish at the right time and in the right dosage can be positive because, very often, when life's desires are not met, people implode, causing all sorts of problems and suffering to the people closest to them. more

Solitude, Socialisation & Collaboration
I know that there will always be days when that feeling of isolation will visit me and will fill me with sadness, anxiety, and possibly temporary depression. That is simply the way it is, and the challenge is to manage and minimise those occasions in whatever way possible. more