Issue 295
Click here to download issue 295 (high quality, 107Mb) Click here to download issue 295 (smaller download, 51Mb) more

End frame: Advendalen by Sandra Bartocha
The ethereal lighting illuminating the mountainside is what immediately draws the viewer into the landscape. This low sunlight radiates a warmth that perfectly complements the cold blues of the arctic tundra. more

Varanger Fjord in Winter
I went back to a photo trip that was perhaps the perfect trip in many ways, a winter trip to the remote Varanger fjord in northeastern Norway. I'm going to explain why this was such a special trip for me, will you travel with me? more

Vanda Ralevska
I never set out with any intention to make any of my projects. They all come out as a result of experiencing the world. Go out and respond to what you see and feel. Figure out what excites you and what you feel passionate about more

Craftsmanship or Intuition
Craftsmanship is a process, not a finish line. It is developed by constantly challenging what you know already to see if you can go further, by unlearning the learned and by being willing to let go of things that might work but no longer express who you are and questioning what you are being told. more

Sho Hoshino – Portrait of a Photographer
Sho has been able to create a sense of depth by using three tools - colour, texture, and light. By pairing complementary colours such as red and green, Sho masterfully gives the eye a way to move through the frame. more

The Visual Language of Aerial Photography
There has been a proliferation of aerial images in contemporary Australian landscape photography. These aerial images are quite often very abstract in nature, which begs the question – what is the visual language of aerial photography? more