Issue 300
Click here to download issue 300 (high quality, 76Mb) Click here to download issue 300 (smaller download, 40Mb) more

End frame: Taos Gorge, taken in 2007 near Taos, New Mexico by Jack Spencer
It was the fence that confused me. What in the world!? It took me a while to see it as a metaphor. The fence is a guardrail, a human artefact that "protects" us from seeing clearly or even directly interacting with the natural world beyond it. more

On Landscape Revisited
When I originally proposed the idea of On Landscape to my wife Charlotte over fourteen years ago, I would never have thought that it would have lasted as long as it has. On this 300th issue, I decided to take a look back at all of those previous issues to pick out some highlights for you to revisit (if you haven’t already). I’ve chosen a range of styles and genres of article, please let me know if you have more

Sandra Bartocha
I am a maximalist with strong opinions and a high demand for aesthetics, and I feel very strongly about the escapism quality of nature. My photographic world is full of light, colour and the small and mundane things in nature that are often overlooked. more

Any Questions, with special guest Mark Littlejohn
This months guest was Mark Litteljohn and we had a bunch of questions about his hand held photography and instinctual process, split toning, possible book ideas and more more

Know thy Subject
If you want to become a better nature photographer, you should dedicate more time to learning about your subject rather than photography. more

Terra Silva
Terra Silva are two Latin words. They loosely mean "the land of the forest". Since this project is about forests and trees and since my native language is a direct descendant of Latin, I thought it would be a fitting title. more