Issue 310
Click here to download issue 310 (high quality, 78Mb) Click here to download issue 310 (smaller download, 40Mb) more

End frame: Weir, Hollyford River, Fijordland by Tony Bridge
The way that light sculpts the different areas of the image creates interest throughout the image and allows the eye to be guided to fall with the water through the image. more

Len Metcalf
The process of photographing and looking at your work, contemplating, and revisiting, is the basis of my artistic practice. It was how I was taught. It is how I teach too. more

Practicing Photography in a Strange New World
Your photography, your mission, and your cause should be even greater than you are. Seek to change people’s minds and impact them in some way. Share your work because you honestly feel you are making a unique and meaningful contribution to the world. more

Any Questions, with special guest Paul Gallagher
This Eighth episode features Paul Gallagher and we had many questions about conveying messages through photography, the value of English landscape photography, the challenges of photographing green landscapes, exploring colour perception in landscape photography and more. more

The Kingdom of Rust
At the edge of my local beach stands a solid 4 meter high wall of steel, a once impenetrable barrier erected to protect the fragile sandy cliffs from the power of the sea. more