on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 316
On Landscape Issue80

Issue 316

Click here to download issue 316 (high quality, 58Mb) Click here to download issue 316 (smaller download, 33Mb) more

Magnus Lindbom Autumn Delta

End Frame: Autumn Delta by Magnus Lindbom

The photograph I have chosen as the subject of this article, “Autumn Delta” by Magnus Lindbom, speaks to us as much of its creator as the ephemeral beauty of the landscape he has captured. more


Perpetual Motion: The Changing Faces of the Sea

The book developed pretty organically, taking its shape from the collection of images I was building. It gained focus once I’d decided to limit the scope to the Dutch coast and the theme of changing moods. more

Any Questions Square

Any Questions, with special guest Theo Bosboom

This Eleventh episode features Theo Bosboom, and we had questions about pre-visualisation, trends in landscape photography, book making and editing and what makes a 'stand out' image. more

Sarine Bp7

Boring Postcards

I already had an idea for an article on boring postcards in mind when I was writing the last article on The Collecting of Images, having a vague memory of having seen books of boring postcards for sale. more

Turk's Cap Lily, 2024

On Labels and Limitations

For the longest time, I have forced upon myself a label, a classification, specifically revolving around the type of art I create. Even calling what I make “art” places a name upon my creations and differentiates my work from photography, writing, etc. more

Tree Branches In Frost

Learning to See Again

It has immense potential as a modality for delivering healing to the human soul and bringing humanity back into harmony with the natural world, which, in turn, brings us back into harmony with our deeper self, and each other as a result. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.