on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 38

What is Landscape Photography?

Joe Cornish "The landscape, the whole landscape and nothing but the landscape." But what is landscape? We know that everyone in the On Landscape community (the authors, the subscribers and general readership) is passionate about landscape photography. But when four of us got together to discuss the subject recently, (comprising Onlandscape founder Tim Parkin, photographic guru David Ward, photographer and designer Andrew Nadolski and me, Joe Cornish), we struggled to find agreement about what landscape photography actually was! It is only human more


What is Landscape Photography Podcast

Whilst discussing plans for the magazine and other ideas, David Ward, Joe Cornish, Tim Parkin and Andrew Nadolski took the opportunity to record a round table discussion covering a question that has been asked more than once in the past (usually around mid October in the last few years) what exactly is landscape photography (or more usually put "That's not bloody landscape photography!"). The session was recorded for your offline delectation as long as you don't end up angrily disagreeing more


Am I a Landscape Photographer?

“On Landscape”, is a veritable, virtual on-line temple of landscape photography. So the question posed by the title of this piece might seem almost sacrilegious to some of its readership. Whilst I obviously feel an affinity for the ethos of the magazine and the work presented I seriously wonder if a photographer should be (or even can be) predominantly defined by their subject matter. Schools or genres are of course commonplace in art but photography is amongst the most more


Paul Arthur

This issues featured photographer hails from Birmingham and works as an architectural, environmental and studio photographer but transforms like a celluloid batman into a landscape photographer when the urge becomes too strong to resist (oops - flowery language filter failure!). Take it away Paul Arthur! In most photographers’ lives there are 'epiphanic’ moments where things become clear, or new directions are formed. What were your two main moments and how more


Sutton Bank, North Yorkshire

I had not visited Sutton Bank before despite (or possibly because) it being such a well photographed landscape location, most famously by Joe Cornish who has visited here many times. In 2011 I received a phone call asking me if I were interested in meeting up to discuss a project to provide photographs for the visitor centre refurbishment, something I was more than happy to do (as you can more


The Highlands: Land and Light – Craig Aitchison

Craig Aitchison's panoramas of Scotland mine a well used vein of place and form probably most well known from photographer Colin Prior. Craig undoubetdly knows this inspiration and should be very pleased to get a testimonial from Colin himself. This isn't to suggest that the book is a clone of Colin's well known output but there is a sense of initial familiarity when browsing the book. The images are more


The Sacred Headwaters – Carr Clifton

Carr Clifton is a photographer that I have talked about before in On Landscape (in "The Rightful Heir to Eliot Porter?") and who is probably one of the hardest working landscape photographers covering environmental issues. The Sacred Headwaters book is one I have been trying to get hold of for some time and I have to thank Paul Marsch for loaning me his copy to peruse and review. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.