on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 40

Wales at the Water’s Edge – Jeremy Moore & Jon Gower

The Wales coastal path officially opened on the 5th of May, 870 miles of uninterrupted coastal footpath through some of the best countryside that Britain has to offer. To mark the opening of the path, photographer Jeremy Moore and writer and conservationist Jon Gower put together this book, celebrating it's beauty, history and people. Don't expect a book full of heroic landscape pictures though, the images have been taken and selected so they don't fight with one another. Jeremy has more


Mirex Tilt / Shift Adapters

,,, With everything there is always a downside though and in dedicated tilt shift lenses it is most definitely price. The 17mm, 24mm, 45mm and 90mm Canon lenses costing £1,900, £1,700, £1,200 and £1,100 respectively and the Nikon 24mm, 45mm and 85mm all costing £1,400. This means a tilt shift collection would set you back approx £4k (ignoring the esoteric 17mm). more


Adam Clutterbuck

This issue we're featuring Adam Clutterbuck whose black and white work, whilst exhibiting a familiar surface sytle, manages to create something quite fresh - a difficult goal in any genre. Take it away Adam.. In most photographers lives there are 'epiphanic' moments where things become clear, or new directions are formed. What were your two main moments and how did they change your photography? I recall having many more


Bamburgh, Northumberland

© Joe Cornish It was On Landscape holiday recently and being of a productive bent I thought I could combine a couple of nice walks in Bamburgh (for that is where our brief respite took place) with the re-kindling of one of the original goals of On Landscape, that being the 'Location Guide' . And what a location Bamburgh is! Most of you will no doubt more


Joe Blogs – Manipulated?

I was asked the question, “Do you manipulate your images?” There remains a deeply-held suspicion about photography’s relationship with ‘the Truth’ more


Giving Beauty a Bad Name

On the 14 October 2010 this image by German photographer Thomas Struth sold for £169,250 at an auction in London (the pre sale estimate was £90,000). Thomas Struth - El Capitan (Yosemite National Park) Now many of the readers of this magazine might think this a vastly over-inflated price for a rather dull snapshot! I want to look at why a loose affiliation of people that more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.