on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Issue
Tannerre 0009

A Door in Tannerre

Unless Art Wolfe reads this text, he will never know about his impact on my photographic journey. Like him, we too, by simply practising our passions and sharing our stories, may never know who we may inspire and how we may flare up someone else’s creativity more

230216 95892

Exploring a Fresh Landscape

I find it isn’t possible to tell a story from a first impression. A story needs to unfold in layers, requiring a continuous cycle of reflection. An additional element to the challenge would be having no constraints or boundaries initially. more

On Landscape Issue80

Issue 296

Click here to download issue 296 (high quality, 151Mb) Click here to download issue 296 (smaller download, 111Mb) more

Marianthi Lainas Tidal Pool #5

End frame: Tidal Pool #5 by Marianthi Lainas

When I saw this photograph by Marianthi, my first thought was that I was not sure if I was looking at the sea, but I definitely felt it. more

Any Questions

Any Questions, with special guest Alex Nail

Our first podcast features Alex Nail, and we've had questions about his new book, mountain photography, colour management and much more more

Laguna 4

4×4 Landscape Portfolio

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted by: Charles Judson, Manuel Sechi, Peter Roworth, Teddy Sugrue. more


Jay Tayag

I have wanted to try platinum palladium contact printing some of my negatives. It's been on my mind ever since I started shooting 8x10 and it's another reason why I started to shoot more black and white film. more

Into A Forest's Breath

Into a Forest’s Breath

Most of my projects usually imply very long periods of waiting, and this one was no exception. I am lucky enough to live in a house with a magnificent view over the Portofino promontory. more

Wizard Council

Why We Do It

I’m extremely fortunate that nature photography found me and that I’m in a place that allows me to pursue it extensively. Most of my thoughts could just as easily apply to any creative endeavour or even just as advice on how to improve my life. more


The Larch Ascending

Larch is generally considered to be fast growing and in forestry nurseries can be used as a wind-break to protect slower growing trees such as oak and beech. more

On Landscape Issue80

Issue 295

Click here to download issue 295 (high quality, 107Mb) Click here to download issue 295 (smaller download, 51Mb) more

Bartocha Svalbard End Frame

End frame: Advendalen by Sandra Bartocha

The ethereal lighting illuminating the mountainside is what immediately draws the viewer into the landscape. This low sunlight radiates a warmth that perfectly complements the cold blues of the arctic tundra. more

Varanger Bosboom 016

Varanger Fjord in Winter

I went back to a photo trip that was perhaps the perfect trip in many ways, a winter trip to the remote Varanger fjord in northeastern Norway. I'm going to explain why this was such a special trip for me, will you travel with me? more


Vanda Ralevska

I never set out with any intention to make any of my projects. They all come out as a result of experiencing the world. Go out and respond to what you see and feel. Figure out what excites you and what you feel passionate about more

Filigree P1046590 2 Ellen Borggreve 2048

Craftsmanship or Intuition

Craftsmanship is a process, not a finish line. It is developed by constantly challenging what you know already to see if you can go further, by unlearning the learned and by being willing to let go of things that might work but no longer express who you are and questioning what you are being told. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.