The Triptych
I was attracted to the triptych in this form and sought to further the balanced outcome by having each piece focus on the same landscape. In this way, each image is of equal importance but provides new information by showing the subject from a new angle. more

A Path Not Far
The project, or series of photographs, is from the local area where I live, West Lothian. West Lothian itself is geographical quite a small county situated in the central belt of Scotland more

Buried in the Rocks
On the afternoon of the 2nd of February 2018, I witnessed an accident which truly shaped my practice as a photographer. This incident, which will forever hold a place in my mind, had a strong influence on a recent project - ‘Buried in the Rocks’ and became the first location I shot for the project. more

Scene from the Water’s Edge
Back in 2016 Paul Heathcote wrote about the exhibition he had put on for this project and shared some insights into its six-year making. We catch up with Paul again to hear more about the project and creation of the book. more

Harris Shapes and Forms
All these emotions captured with my camera in this project, not only the breath-taking landscapes but the essence of Harris's voices and colours. more

The wall skirts around Gameshope Glen in a horseshoe ending not far from where it started, close to Talla Reservoir, a couple of miles east of the Tweed Valley. more

On the physics of caustic light in water
I like to make images of water in its various forms, but particularly the interaction of light and flowing water in streams and rivers. The attraction in making many of these images is often the points and lines of concentrated light that make the surface sparkle more

A Visual and Tactile Adventure
During this year I have participated in a project called ‘Territoire-s’, which was an artistic exchange of ideas between artists from two countries. more

Lord of the Winds
There is nothing regular or predictable about them, and with no control over the sea, timing is everything. more

Rombalds Moor ~ Intimate and Vista Photographs
Rombalds Moor, better known as Ilkley Moor, due to its position South of the town, became a project after daily walking on this wild moorland. more

Tales of Abruzzo
I started photographing years ago, as it was just a passion that would allow me to bring home memories of what I was living. more

Holding an Exhibition
Knowing how much work is involved from conceiving an exhibition to the opening, would I do it again? I’ve already booked my next two. more

Yan Preston – Photographic Projects
Between 2010 and 2014, for my ‘Mother River’ project, I photographed the entire 6,211km Yangtze River in China at precise 100 intervals with a large-format film camera. From 2010 to 2017, I investigated urban replantation and ecology recovery in China by photographing transplanted old trees. It might be a good time to reflect on "Why projects?" more

Unique Photography Collaboration
Cooperation, commitment, reaching out to a wider community is what drives the IrishLight Collection concept. The setting is the Irish landscape, but we very much consider this an international idea inspired by the worldwide community we see on our workshops, in magazines, online and at exhibitions. more

Permanence and mutations of the landscape
These photo series consist of these juxtaposed elements, may they are physical (the landscape, the habitat), time-related (ancient, new) or symbolic (sacred, profane). more